Category Archives: Peace

Thanksgiving 2024

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We The People have always been the foundation of American greatness.  Today on Thanksgiving we give thanks for that.

Those who wished to “fundamentally change” our nation were waging in a full-frontal assault against our constitutional republic.  At times the bombardment seemed overwhelming, but We The People are stronger.  The Marxist movement grows more desperate as they know that their control is slipping away.

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All Or Nothing

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In the runup to the election in November, we must recognize who we are dealing with.  The people behind the curtain, the unelected bureaucrats who are running the country, know that they must win the election or accountability will be visited upon them.  This means that the Deep State, the Democratic Party and all those who are held under their spell will do anything to avoid power being transferred to the people.  For these people, it is literally all or nothing.

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Is Israel trying to start World War III?  This is a legitimate question that needs to asked and debated in the halls of Congress.  People in Congress need to get outside their silos of compartmented information and look at the real world through unfiltered spectacles.  Our elected representatives need to throw off the yoke of Big Media and the Jewish lobby and see the world as it really is.

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William Penn Saved

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The lowlifes that inhabit Washington had decided that William Penn’s statue in Pennsylvania needed to be removed.  I guess these lowlifes felt that someone who was moral and upright as a person is not someone to be remembered.  The outcry against this removal seems to have saved the statue for now.

Dr. Tom Woods has weighed in the issue.

You may have heard of plans by the National Park Service to remove a statue of Pennsylvania’s founder, William Penn, from a historic site in Philadelphia. ... 

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America First

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Former and, as Joe Biden said, perhaps future President Donald Trump released a policy statement on Ukraine and the evil people who inhabit the elite political establishment in our country.  In it Trump talked about the difference between those who feast at the public trough and those who are truly committed to this country.

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When the Left talks about someone who is not in their tribe doing something that is nefarious and underhanded, one can almost always assume that the Left is already doing the same thing.  It’s called projection and it is something that Democrats are masters of.

On Tuesday Nancy Pelosi came out and identified what Putin’s strategy is in Ukraine.  According to her, the Russian president is trying to bait her into attacking his forces in Ukraine so that he can start World War III against her.

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