Category Archives: Ukraine

Democrats Desperation

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Hrand Tookman has been a source of insight into Democratic attempts to manipulate the public into believing anything and everything that would smear people who do not follow the Left’s ideology.   As I have said and Tookman echoes, do not believe anything coming from our elite politicians without verifying it from independent sources.  The same can be said about the so called news stories on Big Media platforms.

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The latest assault on the English language and many others is the use of the word autocracy.  No one has been more autocratic in their governance than all the western leaders who triggered shutdowns, mandates, forced business closures and ultimately mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports.  None of those rules, regulations and mandates connected in any way to COVID came from democratic authorization.  None of them were passed through the legislative process.  Every last one of them came from unilateral fiat and powers grabbed as a result of emergency declarations.

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Ukraine Atrocities

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I have not written a whole lot about what is going on in Ukraine because there is almost no way to get accurate information.  Russian State media runs propaganda for Putin.  In Western countries, Big Media is little more than the same kind of propaganda arm.  To quote one wag, the media here are just stenographers who repeat whatever the government elites tell them.  The days of independent journalists digging out stories are gone.

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Odds & Ends

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A Princess Cruise ship had an outbreak of COVID onboard.  The ship docked in San Francisco on Sunday.  All crew members and passengers were “fully” vaccinated.  All crew and passengers had also been tested for COVID prior to boarding.

People aboard the Ruby Princess caught the virus while on a 15-day Panama Canal cruise.  According to the company, those who contracted COVID did not spread it to others on the ship.  Right.  Sounds like the company is trying to avoid lawsuits.

And the White House continues to insist that the jabs are effective.  What are they effective at?  They do not stop infection.  They do not stop transmission.  And they do not prevent serious illness.  Oh, I know.  They are effective at lining the pockets of Big Pharma.

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You Cannot Unsee The Corruption

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There is an old saying.  Once you can see the strings on the marionettes, you can never unsee them.  The same is true with governments.  Once you see the lies and manipulation coming from governments, you can never unsee them.

On the other side of the coin, once you see the truth, you can never not see it.  Justin Trudeau was seen as a young, brash politician who happened to be elected Prime Minister of a functioning democracy.  How many people realized that he was a wannabee dictator after the likes of Fidel Castro and Xi Jinping?  After his recent actions against the Freedom Convoy, how many people now realize this?  This is truth that cannot be unseen.

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False Flag Op Ahead

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The White House has been warning about a possible chemical weapons attack in Ukraine for a week.  White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had referred to “Russia’s history of chemical attacks in Syria.”  On Friday at the White House, the mindless wonder who occasionally sleeps there, said that Russia would pay a “severe price” if it uses chemical weapons in Ukraine.

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Did Biden’s Handlers Bait Putin Into A War?

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Let’s always keep in mind that the media (both Russian State media and western Big Media) will create narratives favorable to their owners.  Putin is the owner in Russia.  The Deep State is the owner here in America.

With that as a backdrop, Ukraine President Zelenskyy did an interview on CNN recently.  Zelenskyy has his own agenda and it is not quite clear to me just what it is.  Is he a puppet of the West who may not have realized just what a horrendous path he was being led down?  Is he a pawn who is and will be paid handsomely for his role in creating this war?

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