An insightful Steve Rose has written a piece and put into words what most of us who have been following political events in this country know. We no longer have a Democratic Party. They are the Communist Party and then intend to rule over us without any dissent. If you wish to disagree, you will be silenced by one of many methods.
These reasons include being fired from your job for spurious reasons, vaccine mandates that do not make sense, harming a snowflake’s sensibilities, believing in Christianity, etc. You may be unable to obtain legal representation against spurious charges due to the fear within the legal profession of blowback for doing so.
You may be cancelled from polite society for believing in liberty, freedom and the right to speak your mind. You will be called a conspiracy nut for espousing scientific facts in response to a debate on scientific issues. You may be killed by police responding to a fake swatting situation because you happened to have a weapon in your hand when you answered the door.
Steve Rose’s article follows without comment from me.
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