Category Archives: Wall

Painting The Truth

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Jon McNaughton, an American artist, has done a painting that says more about the national emergency on our southern border than a thousand words could ever say.  It is a truly wonderful piece of art.  I happen to think his point about who to blame is 100% right. PDJT is trying to do what is right and the people Jon has painted are very wrong.

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Border Crisis Intensifies

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How bad does the situation at the southern border have to be for Democrats to admit it’s an emergency?  Are there any numbers of illegal border crossings into the United States that would cause Democrats to recognize an emergency?

Appearing Friday on Morning Joe, Jeh Johnson, DHS secretary during former President Barack Obama’s second term, was blunt in addressing the border crisis.  He declared Friday the southern border is in a “crisis” state, a claim the Trump administration made last year.

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Immigration Hypocrisy

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The Democrats led by Sen. Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi have been adamant that there is no problem worth their time at our southern border with Mexico.  They have flat out refused to acknowledge a problem exists despite statistics that show an increasing flood of illegals being apprehended.

There are more and more stories appearing in the media about the other criminal activities of those who try to cross the border illegally.  Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Wednesday that young female migrants traveling north to the United States are raped with such regularity that Immigration and Customs Enforcement gives every girl age 10 and over a pregnancy test after arriving.  Human trafficking arrests have tripled in the last two years.

The Democrats won’t consider allowing the top people in ICE to testify as to what a wall might do or what other measures might be appropriate.  They won’t allocate money to stop this flood.  In fact, they want to limit ICE’s ability to protect us from the criminal elements in this flood of illegal aliens.

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The Mount Vernon Schoolyard Massacre

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Almost 12 years ago four good, young people were brutally attacked in a schoolyard in Newark, NJ.  Three would die.  The fourth was left for dead but survived.  In a city where murders were common (105 occurred in the year in question), this attack was particularly horrific.

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Reparations For Pocahontas

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Elizabeth Warren has been hunting around for something, anything to save her already floundering campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. She needs something to distinguish herself from the other socialists/communists who have announced their candidacies.

As with all Democrats she supports the killing of babies.  As with all Democrats she supports forcing pro-life doctors and nurses to participate in the killing of babies.  As with all Democrats she wants to force you, the taxpayer, to pay for the killing of babies.

As with all Democrats she supports open borders that permit all manner of evil people to invade our country through our southern border with Mexico.  This leads to all kinds of crime that would not exist if the flow of Illegal aliens was halted or vastly reduced.  This includes sex trafficking, drug smuggling and the expansion of MS-13 gangs.

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The Border Wall

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Negotiations on a border wall continue.  Supposedly a deal has been reached.  It is not clear if real progress has been made.  The Democrats apparently dropped their proposal to limit the number of detained immigrants caught inside the U.S. to a daily average of 16,500.  There is currently no such limit.

This is insane.  That’s like saying that the number of people detained for murder, assault, robbery, rape, etc., in this country should be limited to a specific number each day.  Do the Democrats want to encourage more crime in America?  That is just what this proposal would do. Hopefully this was fake bargaining position so that they could say that they compromised their position.  However, I doubt this is the case.  The fact that such a position is ridiculous is irrelevant to them.

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Morality & The Border Wall

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Immigration is the seminal issue of our time.  When it comes to immigration, the distance between elite politicians in Washington and the common people is wider than the Grand Canyon. There are only a few people in Washington who are actually looking out for the people.  Fortunately for America and for liberty in general, one of them is PDJT.

The President hit the proverbial nail on the head when he said that controlling immigration is the moral thing to do.

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, called the wall “immoral.”  So, apparently 72% of Americans are immoral for supporting the idea of a wall. ... 

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Immigration Hypocrisy

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The President’s State of the Union speech addressed many things.  One of the most important for the wellbeing of the country as a whole is the problem of illegal immigration on our southern border.  A transcript of that part of his speech is provided here below.

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