Reality Check

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GOP House member Ralph Norman (R-SC) recently noted this:

Is your wallet a little lighter these days? Well, this morning’s news from the U.S. Labor Department isn’t good. January data was just released, showing the prices we pay for goods & services have risen an average of 7.5% over the last year. That’s the highest rate in the past 40 years.

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Does The Jab Damage Your Innate Immune System?

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Some interesting data coming out of the UK strongly suggests that the COVID-19 jabs are damaging the innate immune systems of people.  The data show that the jabbed are far more likely to be infected than those who have not been jabbed.  This covers all spectrums and cohorts of the population.

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They Just Wanted To Be left Alone

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Most men just want to be left alone to live their lives and provide for their families and those whom they care about.  The left is making that nigh near impossible today.  More and more people are getting up out of their easy chairs and taking a stand for individual liberty and freedom.  I am seeing this more and more often in comments to various articles that appear on the Web.  This quote by an unknown author may be appropriate to what may happen in the near future.

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The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled 2-1 Wednesday to maintain a block on the mandate that a Texas-based federal judge had issued on Jan. 21. The administration had asked the New Orleans court for an injunction allowing the federal worker mandate to move forward pending appeal.

President Joe Biden announced in September that more than 3.5 million federal workers were required to undergo vaccination, with no option to get regularly tested instead, unless they secured approved medical or religious exemptions. The requirement kicked in this past November.  That mandate continues to be blocked.

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Freedom News

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Freedom is spreading.  The Freedom Convoy trucker protest has now expanded and is starting to hit more U.S-Canada border crossings, while the main trucker convoy remains in downtown Ottawa.

FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – Canadian authorities say a demonstration involving a large number of vehicles and farm equipment is blocking the Emerson Port of Entry, which is the border crossing on I-29 from Pembina, North Dakota to Emerson, Manitoba, CA.

Manitoba Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) posted on social media that no traffic is getting through either northbound or southbound and the port of entry is shut down.

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“The science has changed,” Dr. Leana Wen said Monday night on CNN as she explained why she now supports ending most pandemic restrictions.

This is the same woman who said that Americans who wish to have privileges need to get jabbed.

“There are privileges associated with being an American. That if you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated. Travel, and having the right to travel in interstate, it’s not a constitutional right as far as I know to board a plane.”

The only science that has changed is the political science polling that shows that most Americans have seen through the ridiculous narrative put out by the Left about COVID.  This
“evolution” by Dr. Wen is simply political calculation.

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Did GoFundMe just commit business suicide?  The question needs to be asked after they tried to re-direct the donations that were headed to the Canadian Freedom Convoy.  They proposed to re-distribute to money to charities of choice.  Why?  Because they decided that the Freedom Convoy was engaged in illegal activities.  They weren’t.  This action by GFM ignores all the money that was raised through GoFundMe for people who rioted, looted, burned and otherwise destroyed cities in America during 2020.  The Freedom Convoy was having none of that.  However, they were a threat to the leftist political hierarchy in Canada.  And for that they must be cancelled.

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As almost everyone knows, it is almost time to begin campaigning for “mid-terms.”  The insanity of our election system is upon us once more.  We all know what that means! Politicians are all of a sudden “evolving” when it comes to COVID-19.

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