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Former Atlanta Hawks point guard Brandon Goodwin’s season ended early last year due to “minor respiratory condition,” according to a team report this past May. The Hawks went on a deep postseason run to the Eastern Conference Finals and the team decided not to bring the Norcross graduate back after drafting Sharife Cooper and signing Delon Wright. Goodwin has not signed with another NBA team since.

Recently, Goodwin revealed his side of the story, and it all starts with him receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Let’s Go Brandon

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A rapper has created and posted a song.  It is going viral.  Enjoy!

{"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/14\/lets-go-brandon\/#arve-youtube-qr_f_xqrukm-2","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/qr_F_XQrukM?start=1&feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"} Continue reading...

You Will Comply

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Australia appears to be the beta test site for many things that those in power would like to impose on the rest of the world.  By carefully watching events there, one can easily shape a good guess for the next insane mandate coming from those in power here.  Does what happened in Northern Territory portend a further escalation of insanity?

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Besides having a potential lack of police officers due to vaccine mandates, Seattle is now experiencing problems with their ferry service due to a lack of crews.  A chronic crew shortage at Washington State Ferries suddenly became a transportation debacle Friday.  The nation’s largest ferry system was forced to reduce service on seven of its 10 routes, while preparing for weeks of missed trips and frustrated passengers.

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Twitter Gestapo

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It was a disastrous weekend for Southwest Airlines. Across Saturday and Sunday, they canceled more than 2,100 flights, about a quarter of their total. In a statement, Southwest blamed bad weather and air traffic control problems. But the Federal Aviation Administration says, no, there haven’t been any air traffic control issues since last Friday.

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This Is Not About Health

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It is deeply frustrating to realize just how deep the brainwashing is particularly when it comes to the COVID issue.  There has been a collapse of critical thinking.  Part of this is the psychological warfare that is being waged against the American public.  Those in power will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power.

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Stop This NOW!

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Karl Denninger has written extensively on the COVID-19 scam.  On Thursday Denninger took a dive into the adverse event (AE) of myocarditis occurring following injection of either dose of the so-called vaccines.  The numbers are scary.  In any previous drug trial in this country, the trial would have been stopped when such numbers showed up.

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CRT And Other Domestic Terrorism Threats

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It is hard to believe America could have a worse AG than Eric Holder.  However, on Wednesday Tucker Carlson discussed the directive by AG Merrick Garland for the FBI in conjunction with the National Security Division to investigate any parent who opposes the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the masking of kids in school.  There will undoubtedly be many such discussions across the country in the coming months.  Few will be done as masterfully as Carlson’s monologue.

Take 16 minutes out of your day and listen to what Carlson has to say.

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Get Vaxxed Or Be Refused Medical Care

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It is was never a question of if.  It has always been just a question of when.  It has been clear for a long time that those who refused to get jabbed would be relegated to a status of being a second-class citizen at best.  The University of Colorado Hospital has now confirmed this by refusing medical care to a woman who has renal failure.  Their reason is that the woman is unvaccinated.  This is another example of the “Biden Effect.”

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The Biden Effect

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The person occupying the White House repeatedly says that the vaccines for COVID are “safe and effective.”  He says this despite mountains of evidence in the government’s own database system VAERS that shows otherwise.  On September 7th the vaccine claimed another victim, Jessica Berg Wilson, who died from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT)

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