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Yesterday I spoke about anger that is swelling up across the country over the actions of the idiot in the White House.  Hrand Tookman has published a piece that displays all this anger and then some.  I think rage might be a more apt description.  I will warn you that there is some strong language in this piece.  However, I think it reflects what many people across the country are feeling.

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Webster’s defines anger as “a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility.”  I am not sure if that is what I am feeling or if my feelings border on rage.  I have spoken with friends and relatives from several different areas of the country.  I sense my anger reflected in their own.  I am somewhat surprised at the strength of this emotion.  And it is all because of the craven actions of the inhabitant of the White House.

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Who Are They?

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Hrand Tookman has an interesting post which centers on an obvious question that should be asked by honest journalists.  As most of America knows by now, the Avatar in the White House usually does not take questions or if he does, he follows an approved script of who to call on.  He has alluded to this a number of times.  The most recent was Sunday when Biden delivered remarks on Hurricane Ida at FEMA headquarters.

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It Gets Worse

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The White House declared “Mission accomplished” and took a victory lap on Monday over the greatest foreign policy disaster in US history.

The administration admitted to leaving behind at least 250 Americans.  The number is very likely a lot higher.  The administration started using language last week to indicate that everyone who “wanted to leave” were being taken care of.  Why would anyone believe the administration at this point?

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Vaccine Insanity

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In what may be a preview of things to come across the country, a judge at Chicago’s Daley Center took away a mother’s parental rights involving her 11-year-old son because she was not vaccinated.

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Hurricane Ida, The Aftermath

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As one commenter has noted:

Mother Nature, is politically neutral, it cares not what party you belong to. During times of devastation and destruction, it’s up to each and every one of us to help those affected. Put differences aside, the hurt, the pain, the despair, of the loss of life or property, requires compassion.

In you were in its path, I urge you to read Sundance’s post on what to do now.

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Déjà Vu

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The Democrats are at it again.  Just as they did during the Obama administration, the IRS has been weaponized to deny tax exempt status to organizations that are Christian and/or conservative in nature.  The purpose of such illegal denials is to impede the ability of these organizations to do fund raising.

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