Arizona Ballot Audit Continues

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The attempt to audit the ballot count in Maricopa County from the 2020 election has been under way for some time.  The Democrats have thrown everything they have to try and stop it.  More than 100 Democratic lawyers have descended on the county.  Supposedly they are there to protect the interests of Maricopa County voters.  What a joke that is.  They could care less about Maricopa County voters.  They are trying to stop the audit because they know what will be exposed, massive election fraud.

Kelli Ward provides a quick video update.  Chairwoman Ward walks through the courtroom decisions from Wednesday and provides an update on the ballot counting and verification.

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Catholic League Stands Up

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The following is one of a number of recent events that may indicate that more and more Americans and organizations within America are beginning to rouse themselves from their slumber.  They are beginning to push back against the obvious corruption and hypocrisy going on within the elitist ranks of some of our highest profile businesses.

William Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, sent a letter to Robert Manfred, commissioner for Major League Baseball (MLB).  No matter what your religious affiliation is, I take my hat off to the Catholic League for this letter.  It skewers MLB’s decision to move the All Star game out of majority black Atlanta to white Denver.  This decision was due to the Georgia’s new voting law requiring a proper ID.  MLB caved to pressure from leftist extremist groups that blatantly lied about the ramifications of the law.

The letter lays out in detail the stunning hypocrisy of MLB.

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West Virginia To Bribe People

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On Monday, West Virginia’s Governor Jim Justice offered a bribe to get people aged 16-35 to get vaccinated.  Specifically, he offered a $100 savings bond as an incentive to get jabbed.

Why?  It appears that the fact that serious side effects have been observed in a small part of the population is diminishing the fervor of people to step up and offer themselves as guinea pigs in this great socialist experiment.  Certainly, the fact that the recovery rate among this age group is 99.9996% is also a factor among those deciding to not get jabbed.

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Climate Change Is The Next Pandemic

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The effectiveness of fear about the COVID virus is diminishing.  More and more people are seeing through the hysteria that was built up around it.  More and more people are coming to understand that the virus is little different from the seasonal flu.  The fear porn was used to control large segments of the population in this country and around the world.  Basic human liberties were stripped away under the guise of protecting the public.

Dr. Tom Woods has been an invaluable source for exposing much of the nonsense about masks, lockdowns, etc.  Such mitigation measures have proved to be entirely ineffective and quite deleterious to the public at large.

Recently Dr. Woods produced a post that touched on the next great cudgel that will be used to beat the public into submission.  That is climate change.  The Avatar in the White House recently exposed the left’s plan on this with his call to “climate refugees.”

Project Veritas has done their usual excellent job in uncovering those who would attempt to dupe the public over this.  Dr. Woods helps to expose this with his post which is reproduced below.

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Valid IDs

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There is a lot of chaos going on about election laws and reform of such.  The left, who will cheat at every opportunity, opposes requiring an ID to vote.  The big multi-nationals support them in this effort to transform American elections.  A valid ID would make it somewhat harder for the left to commit fraud.  Let’s take a look at where valid IDs are required in this country.

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Insanity has come to Washington, DC.  On Wednesday Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, made the following statement after the guilty verdicts were returned in Minneapolis.

“Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice.   For being there to call out to your mom, how heartbreaking was that.  And because of you … your name will always be synonymous with justice.”

This woman is fast losing her faculties.  On what planet did George Floyd sacrifice his life?  As noted yesterday, the facts of the case clearly showed that Floyd died of a drug overdose.  The toxicology report in the autopsy was unequivocal.  Floyd had a three-fold fatal level of fentanyl in his system.  Floyd ingested the drugs to avoid their discovery by the police.  George Floyd is dead because of George Floyd, no one else.

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Guilty On All Counts!

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The left was successful.  They have now shown that they can take a situation where a man who tried to save another man’s life can be convicted of murder.  The facts of the case clearly showed that Floyd died of a drug overdose.  The toxicology report in the autopsy was unequivocal.  Floyd had a three-fold fatal level of fentanyl in his system.  George Floyd is dead because of George Floyd, no one else.

The medical examiner said so publicly but delivered a finding on the autopsy report that allowed this charade of a trial to go forth.  There were no ill intentions from Chauvin.  He was simply trying to use the methods available to him to secure the subject until he could be passed off to the ambulance.  The “right verdict” was not guilty and it wasn’t even close.

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Jury Deliberations

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The trial of Officer Derek Chauvin has entered the verdict watch stage.  Closing arguments have been made.  The case has been turned over to the jury.  To refresh, Officer Chauvin has been charged with murder and manslaughter for trying to save George Floyd’s life after he had overdosed on drugs.

In a reasonable and fair world, the charges against Officer Chauvin would never have been brought.  However, just as they did in Baltimore with the Freddie Gray death in custody, these charges are a political show.  The charges were brought in an attempt to mollify the mob.  This is the left’s attempt to prove to the country that anyone, regardless of the good that they are trying to do, can be put away in a cage simply because the left wants it that way.

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I found an interesting post over the weekend that I am sharing below.  In my opinion, more and more Americans are seeing through the disinformation campaign that is put on by the Democrats and their media allies.  Conversations that I have regularly with people has a common theme.  That is, one cannot trust anything that the media publishes.

I will refer to the author as Sylvester.

We. Don’t. Know. Anything. 

All of us are being subjected to such a blizzard of propaganda and disinformation that you nor I can make any, real assessment of what Americans really think about much of anything. ... 

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Questions For The Avatar in The White House

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Questions that true reporters would be asking of the President.

Recently, in Minnesota, a suspected criminal, who was resisting arrest, was accidentally shot and killed by a law enforcement officer.  The mayor immediately called for the firing of the officer involved.  The city manager, who had the responsibility for the police force, stated that the officer was entitled to due process just as any other American would be.  Because he stood up for the right to due process, he was summarily fired by the city council.  What are the President’s views on this attack on the foundations of our democracy?  Does the President believe that police officers have a right to due process?  Or does the President side with the city council in that a mob should be the determining factor in what actions are taken? ... 

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