Joy Villa Destroys Leftist Diversity
Joy Villa appears before Congress to make a statement about the Cancel Culture that is running rampant across our country.
Joy Villa appears before Congress to make a statement about the Cancel Culture that is running rampant across our country.
Hrand Tookman has written an article that succinctly summarizes everything the Democrats have been doing against PDJT. It is called projection. That is, the Democrats try to project everything they are guilty of onto PDJT.
The Trump administration has just announced another Middle East breakthrough. Sudan and Israel will normalize ties. This is the third Arab nation to do so as a result of Trump’s efforts, in addition to the United Arab Emirate and Bahrain.
Keep America Great 2020. Something uplifting.
This young lady talks about how she came to realize just what the Democratic Party has become. She includes this in the depth of her reasons for walking away from them. This was an intellectual journey that helped her leap the chasm between the Left’s narrative and reality.
I have included her own notes that she posted after the video went viral. I certainly understand the process that she went through to arrive at where she is today. The video is lengthy (47 minutes).
Joe Biden went on national TV on Thursday evening at the debate and stated that this election is about character. He said it multiple times. I would agree. Biden must believe that the American public are totally ignorant and uninformed about what was going on during his Vice Presidency.
Biden said he has never taken a single penny from a foreign government. Technically that may be true. The money appears to have been funneled through his son Hunter. So Joe may never have actually directly received such money. But the emails coming out show that he worked with his family members to enable the flow of money from foreign governments to his family.
Biden must also be unaware that Tony Bobulinski, one of Hunter Biden’s business associates, held a news conference on Thursday confirming how the bribery and payment system worked.
Sundance over at CTH reports:
Political campaigns are a source of all kinds of exaggerated claims about what one is going to do or has already done. Politicians put forward plans that they say will do this or cure that. Hyperbole with regard to this kind of activity is expected. The rational observer of these activities brings a healthy dose of skepticism to these claims.
However, the last decade or two has seen the Democratic Party completely abandon any attempt at telling the truth even in a small way.
This is the best presentation about the absolute evilness of abortion that I have ever heard. The Rev. John Lankeit gave the following somewhat lengthy homily (20 minutes) on October 2, 2016 in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona. It is relevant today as it was then.
In this homily Rev. Lankeit talks about different aspects of decision-making regarding the casting of a Catholic’s vote in an election. During this presentation he speaks of prudential decision making where good people can be on different sides of issues and how those issues might be resolved for the betterment of all. Such issues might include racial injustice, the economy and healthcare. On such issues Rev. Lankeit does not weigh in from the pulpit regarding which might be better.
As we all know PDJT tested positive for the virus and was admitted to Walter Reed for treatment. PDJT emerged three days later and has returned to his pre-illness form. When the man sleeps is anybody’s guess. Trump is a non-stop dynamo of energy.
But wait! Isn’t PDJT 74 years old? Isn’t he overweight? Isn’t he the model target for this virus? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding “Yes!” How in the world did he beat the virus so handily and so quickly?
One of the things that the Democrats have been doing to downplay the lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden has been to demonize the Trump rallies. They have spread narratives that these rallies are super-spreader events for COVID-19. Supposedly these rallies are putting the health of Americans at great risk.
A recent analysis of publicly available health data has shown no statistically significant evidence that this is the case. State health officials responsible for maintaining such data concur that COVID-19 numbers cannot be directly tied to campaign rallies. ...