Why Dominion Is Susceptible To Fraud

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I recommend the following 46 minute video of a Powerpoint presentation done by Russell Ramsland.  Russell Ramsland, Jr., is a co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC (ASOG).  His company has been tracking problems with computer voting systems (including Dominion and Smartmatic) for years.

The presentation is about how these computer systems work and why they are so vulnerable to fraud.  I am not a big fan of long videos and I thought I’d be a bit bored with all the technical information, but I was glued to the screen.  This does not prove fraud in the current election but rather is the foundation to build a case for fraud through manipulation of the vote counts in various states. ... 

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Easy To Consume

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Sydney Powell has filed lawsuits in two states (Michigan and Georgia) alleging massive vote fraud.  The Georgia filing is over 100 pages without the exhibits and the Michigan one is some 75 pages again without the exhibits.

This amount of legal filing can be overwhelming from the point of view of trying to get a handle on just what the fraud actually was.  The Georgia filing alone has some 30 different allegations.

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It’s Just Beginning

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Let’s remember that the goal of the MSM is to get the people who supported a landslide win for PDJT to give up and slither away despondent and broken.  They want people to give up hope in the ability of good to overcome evil.  If that happens, the people responsible for these crimes against our country will get away with it.  If, however, the people hold the politicians’ feet to the fire, then PDJT will serve a second term.  It is time for “We The People” to demand an audit of the vote in all 50 states.

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Election Numbers

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More and more people are coming to doubt the integrity of our recent presidential election.  Perhaps the number of notable statistical improbabilities and impossibilities has something to do with that.

Let’s look at a few.

Despite the fact that Biden had difficulty filling a small bus with supporters at his campaign rallies, Biden received 15 million more votes than Barack Obama did in 2012.  The difference in rally numbers was so significant that PDJT was outpolling Biden by more than 50,000 people per rally at the end of his campaign.  Yet supposedly PDJT lost.

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Sydney Powell lowers the boom on the election fraud.  We are in a civil war.

The Democrats and their fellow criminal conspirators do not want you to notice the overwhelming fraud being exposed.  So, as fraud is being exposed, multiple governors began pushing COVID lockdowns again.  NYC is closing its schools with the caveat that dining indoors will soon be a thing of the past.  NY State is limiting Thanksgiving celebrations to six people.  The list of COVID “mitigation” orders coming out is beyond belief.

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COVID Hysteria

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COVID hysteria is being built again by the media.  And, on cue, the clueless governors are jumping on board to take away the liberties that our ancestors fought and died for.

The MSM and the Democrats need to build the hysteria as a distraction to the mountains of evidence being unearthed (literally in some cases) of voter/election fraud.  I will have more on that in the coming weeks.  For now, let’s just look carefully at the COVID situation.

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Thoughts Roaming Thru An Idle Mind

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Why didn’t the networks call Pennsylvania for PDJT when he was ahead by over 600K votes around midnight with only 10% of the vote outstanding?  Could it be that they knew something about the impending fraud that would occur?

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