Release The Kraken!

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Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn’s attorney who has joined the Trump legal team, is challenging the apparently corrupt vote counts from the recent presidential election.  On Friday Powell promised to “release the kraken” against the massive corruption that has been uncovered.

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In the aftermath of the election, stories of voter/election fraud have sprouted like dandelions in the springtime.  The approach by the media and the Democrats initially was to dismiss such stories.  Oh, they said, there really wasn’t anything to see.  The idea of such fraud was just a conspiracy theory by PDJT and his supporters who were just sore losers.

However, with affidavits sworn under penalties of perjury totaling in the thousands, the media has reluctantly acknowledged that some fraud may have occurred.  The media are trying to downplay such stories by saying that such fraud is present in all elections.  A few “misguided” individuals may have done a bit here or there.  However, such activities are very minor and had no impact on the bigger picture of the election. ... 

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Thoughts Through An Idle Mind

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The only thing that has gotten worse since PDJT became President are the Democrats


The Justice Department’s top election crimes prosecutor resigned Monday in protest after Attorney General William Barr told federal prosecutors that they should examine allegations of voting irregularities before states move to certify results in the coming weeks.  I imagine that having to actually work for a living must have scared the bejeezus out of Pilger.  Oh, although he “resigned,” he still has a job elsewhere in the DOJ.  Really?  Really!  Only in government work can you quit and remain employed.

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Authorizing Investigations

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I offer the following article by Thomas Lifson over at AT as one providing significant insight into the processes that are involved in the current chaos over election fraud.  Lifson with the help of Mark Wauck and Shipwreckedcrew, lays out in clear terms just what the hold-up over at the DOJ has been.  AG Bill Barr has removed a clear obstacle to the administration of the rule of law.

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Keep The Faith!

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What can Trump supporters do to help expose the corruption that took place on November 3rd and the days afterward?

Yesterday I talked about the Post-It Note campaign that people can engage in to rebut the psychological pressure being imposed by the media to give up.  Doing this can help lift one out of the doom and gloom world that the media is trying to impose on those who supported the President.  Why?  Because it allows one to engage the process directly.

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Post-It Notes

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What can any individual do to help the President dealing with the biggest voter fraud operation in the history of our country?

At times, fighting this can seem overwhelming.  The ability of an individual to affect something as large as what is going seems almost hopeless.  It isn’t!  Individuals can sow seeds of doubt about the outcome that the media and the left want so desperately to achieve.  Healthy skepticism can be fueled by simple acts.

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It Ain’t Over!

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It has been a few days since I have actually written a new post.  I have been trying to rationally and objectively evaluate what I was seeing with my own eyes.  And what I was seeing was making me physically sick to my stomach.

I have been a staunch believer in the uniqueness and exceptionalism of America.  I fervently believe in our ability to be a “shining city on the hill.”  We have been that.  If we rise up as true Americans and call out the absolute corruption that has been displayed in this election cycle vote counting, I believe we can once again be that beacon of liberty on the hill.

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California Is A Third World Country

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It may be hard to fathom, but California rivals a lot of third world countries in their approach to keeping the lights on.  Many less developed countries turn off the power at certain times in order to “keep people safe.”  In these countries, the grid can be dangerously overloaded because insufficient infrastructure exists to carry the required power loads and the grid has not been maintained to the necessary standards of safety.

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