America’s Disgraced Media

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People across America fail to recognize the seriousness of media’s ability to shape a particular narrative and sell it to America.  Many people have zero appreciation for the damage that America’s news media have done to our nation.  They have zero appreciation for the fact that the media can start with something that has absolutely no basis in fact and get a majority of Americans to believe that it is indeed fact.

That’s not all of us, of course.  Many people on the conservative side of the ledger have proudly stopped reading anything from the NYTimes or WaPo.  We never switch the channel over to CNN, MSNBC or some other network that shills for the Deep State.  We attempt, through various outlets, to spread a different message.  We push back against the lies that the media spreads.

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Where The Stars & Stripes & the Eagle Fly

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This is what PDJT fights for.

PDJT has always stood up for all Americans.  Those “privileged protesters” who burn cities are trying to destroy our country.  PDJT is trying to prevent that and to return the country to the people.

There is a lady who stands in a harbor for liberty.  If the left had its way, I am sure that would be another monument they would like to topple.

Well if you ask me where I come from Here’s what I tell everyone:

I was born by God’s dear grace In an extraordinary place ... 

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New Jersey Promotes Voter Fraud

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The state where voter fraud has been a practiced art for a long time has now announced that they will engage in voter fraud openly and without shame.  On August 14th Governor Philip Murphy signed an executive order that effectively said that one cannot vote in person and expect that your vote would actually be counted correctly.  Keep in mind this is the same governor who told Tucker Carlson that the Bill of Rights is “above his pay grade.”

The governor did this under the cover of the “coronavirus emergency.”  He was “protecting the health and wellbeing of his residents” by making it difficult to vote in person.  Keep in mind that he did this with the full knowledge of how much more risky it is to vote by mail.

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The Black Death, Not Hardly

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The following is an insightful article by someone well south of our borders.  He calls out the obvious hypocrisy of those trying to keep the economy shut down while exposing the real motives underneath.  He destroys the virus’ lethal reputation just as PDJT did when he returned to the White House after just three days in the hospital.

Black Death

When POTUS got the coronavirus, the country held its breath. Here was the proof so many had hoped for.

The threat was real! All of the hardships and sacrifices of the last seven months were worth it after all. The Donald… after scoffing at the coronavirus… was now getting the divine retribution he had coming. ... 

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Cultural Revolution

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Are the Democrats following the playbook of the Chinese communists?  It certainly seems like that the Democrats are doing many of the same things that happened during Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China.  How many millions of people were killed during that upheaval?

Right now, the mob generates the hatred, foments the idea of racism and bullies people while pretending to be victims or to support some fantasy about making America safe from an out-of-control law enforcement.  This is pure evil at work.  This is a continuing attempt to fundamentally transform America from the land of the free to the home of Marxism.

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The Eagle Returns To The White House

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The boss is back in the people’s house!  PDJT looked rested and ready to resume the fight for everyday Americans.  PDJT is fearless and I have no doubt that the love and support from his millions of supporters across the country helped him recover quickly (good genes and good doctors also).

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Democrats Are Anti-Religion

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According to lyin’ Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Democratic Party members would not be making religion into a litmus test for the Supreme Court.  For those who remember Barrett’s confirmation hearings in 2017 for a federal judgeship, the Catholic mother of seven came under fire for her Catholic faith when Democratic senators suggested that her beliefs might make her unfit to serve as a federal judge.

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Media Lies

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The recent presidential debate has been the source of more flat-out lies by the media as they reported on the events of the evening.  One such example was CNN “fact checkers” claiming that Joe Biden did not call PDJT “xenophobic.”

To review, when the President closed the border with China over the Wuhan virus, Joe Biden said via Twitter “Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering.”

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