More COVID Insanity

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An acquaintance in another state sent me some pictures of more COVID-19 insanity.  The media has been hugely successful at propagating a fake narrative about what would happen if you get exposed to the virus.  This has terrified many people.  This has led to this kind of idiocy among those administer to a school population that has a near zero chance of suffering a serious outcome from the virus.

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NYPD Endorses Republican For The House

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The bombshells continue.  The NYPD PBA shook the New York political establishment by endorsing John Cummings over his radical leftist opponent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The New York City Police Benevolent Association’s (NYCPBA) endorsement cited John’s 30 years of service to the community as an NYPD officer.  The NYCPBA also noted AOC’s unhinged demand to defund the police while New Yorkers are being shot and killed. 

The NYCPBA endorsement of John is a major blow to AOC’s re-election campaign.  AOC is relying on an increasingly desperate and radical base to fuel her campaign and buy her re-election. ... 

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The Pot Continues to Bubble

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Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California has been embroiled in a battle with civil authorities over the right to worship.  While Pastor MacArthur and his church originally opted to obey the early shutdown orders from California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Grace Community Church began meeting in person again in late July.

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Clinesmith Plea

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There is a lot of ongoing chatter about the guilty plea by Kevin Clinesmith, the former FBI lawyer who falsified and then attested to the accuracy of, a document that was presented to the FISA court to obtain a warrant on Carter Page.

Clinesmith is a relatively low-level cog in the conspiracy to overthrow the Presidency of Donald J Trump.  Clinesmith’s crime of falsifying documents that were presented to the court occurred during the third renewal of the Page FISA warrant.  At this point the Special Counsel’s office was running everything in Main Justice that touched on anything connected to Crossfire Hurricane.

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Goodyear Tire Has A Blowout

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Get woke…Go broke.  Maybe Goodyear was looking for that coveted Bubba Wallace endorsement.

Goodyear’s stock prices took a tumble this week when it was revealed that Goodyear was allegedly using a diversity training program to promote Black Lives Matter (BLM) and LGBT political activism while censoring other political messages.

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Michelle Obama Overshadowed

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On Monday night, while Michelle Obama was disqualifying Joe Biden as a viable candidate for President, Kim Klacik, a Republican candidate for the House, was outdrawing Obama with a campaign walking tour of Baltimore.

In a slick campaign video, Klacik shows the world what 53 years of Democratic leadership has done to the City of Baltimore.

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Media Bias

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By now just about anyone with two working brain cells knows that most of the media is biased against everyone who might be considered centrist or on the right.  CNN is one of the most biased networks.  It is difficult to adequately express just how biased CNN is.

HLN (Hillary’s Lame Network) is another network owned by the same parent company.  HLN recently ran a live interview of a man who saved the life of a baby.  The man’s name is Stephen Eckle.

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The Case For Lockdowns, Mitigation, School Closures Just Collapsed

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The whole narrative for all the totalitarian edicts from state governors is falling apart.  The conquering hero in the narrative is something called a memory T cell.  Memory T cells help us fight some viruses.  Their role against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, had been unclear.

Recently two studies reveal infected people harbor these T cells that target the virus—and may help them recover. Both studies also found some people never infected with SARS-CoV-2 have these cellular defenses, most likely because they were previously infected with other coronaviruses.  The common cold is often a result of an infection by one of multiple coronaviruses. ... 

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The Plot Against The President

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A new documentary on the Russiagate scandal is in the works.

Amanda Milius, daughter of legendary screenwriter-director John Milius, has directed The Plot Against the President, based on Lee Smith’s 2019 best-seller of the same name.

Investigative journalist Lee Smith’s The Plot Against the President tells the story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the commander-in-chief. While popular opinion holds that Russia subverted democratic processes during the 2016 elections, the real damage was done not by Moscow or any other foreign actor. Rather, this was a slow-moving coup engineered by a coterie of the American elite, the “deep state,” targeting not only the president, but also the rest of the country. ... 

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Michelle Obama Disqualifies Joe Biden

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Former first lady Michelle Obama addressed a virtual Democratic National Convention on Monday evening.  Depending on your political point of view, it was either a forceful call to vote for Joe Biden or an attempt to further divide an already polarized nation.

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