Influencing Elections

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Many people have become quite jaded about politicians keeping the promises they made while campaigning for office.  There have been so many instances of politicians walking away from campaign promises as soon as election day is over.  One might say that such politicians were lying to the public.  And unfortunately, it is a disease that affects politicians on both sides of the aisle.

However jaded one might be, this statement by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raises eyebrows across the political spectrum.

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BLM Murders Woman

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Last week, 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker was shot to death following an argument with Black Lives Matter supporters. According to her family, the BLM supporters shouted “Black lives matter” at her and her group, to which they replied, “All lives matter.”

According to her fiancee, he and the victim and two other people were hanging out along a canal near Indianapolis when someone in their group used a slang version of the N-word.  That word prompted a confrontation by a group of strangers.

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False COVID-19 Infection Counts

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It is now being reported from multiple sources that a variety of labs and hospitals in Florida have been overreporting their positive test results for COVID-19.  Based on test results reported, Florida is considered a hotspot for COVID-19 infections.

According to Fox 35 in Orlando, dozens of labs on the state’s COVID-19 report had a 100 percent positivity rate.  After Fox 35 started asking questions, several labs and hospitals confirmed the numbers were wrong.  Many others failed to respond to requests from the station for information.

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Conservatives Need Not Apply

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It is becoming increasingly obvious that our system of “higher” education is closed off to students with conservative viewpoints.  Such students are pilloried for their views.  They are doxxed and smeared in an attempt to get them removed from the college or university where they are attending.  Many of these smear campaigns are outright lies used to enrage the mob so that school administrators will cave to their demands.

The Jesuits were once renowned for their intellectual rigor.  Any person who graduated from a Jesuit-run institution was presumptively well educated, morally centered, and capable of reasoning.  Marquette University is one such Jesuit institution.  Marquette has consistently been highly ranked among American universities.

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AOC (S-NY) obviously takes most Americans for fools.  AOC must believe that, because she is a member of the House, that Americans will hang on her every word for insight and nuance.  Recently AOC offered the following for the reason for the skyrocketing crime rate in NYC.

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What Did Barr Say?

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On July 5th, AG Bill Barr did an interview with Marie Bartiromo.  In it, Barr began by noting that PDJT was targeted by various entities, both within and outside the government, to remove him from office.  This is a stunning admission by the AG.  The interaction starts at the 0:42 mark of the video.

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The Second Wave

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There is a growing crescendo of opinion among the bobbleheads in the MSM that a second wave of the coronavirus is here.  There has been a spike in cases in some southern states.  This has led to finger-pointing by the media that these governors are putting people’s lives at risk by opening up their economies too quickly.  One state, South Carolina, supposedly has seen new cases rise to around 2000 per day (The real count is closer to 700).  Other states that have rational leadership in the governor’s mansion have seen similar rises.  Is this “surge” real?

It turns out that there has been significant overcounting of the number of individuals with the coronavirus.  According to the far-left publication, The Atlantic,

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Penn State Punts

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News is now surfacing that some NCAA conferences are punting on a full football season.  Why this is happening is a topic for another post.  While many of us have recognized for some time that higher education in this country has been compromised on the altar of political correctness, the recent lack of intestinal fortitude by Penn State is stunning.

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Walk Toward The Fire

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Marxists control organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  They have started an insurrection using the trojan horse of racial injustice.  The rioting and looting and general mayhem are part of the process to overthrow the current governmental structure of the country with one that is Marxist/communist.  Most of this effort is currently focused on the urban centers of America.

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