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The Democrats and their allies in the media and academic circles prove once again that they only believe in science if it advances their agenda.  Last week, historian David Blight and history student Griffin Black wrote a Washington Post op-ed headlined “Black people aren’t naturally vulnerable to COVID-19. That’s junk race science.”

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Black Lives Matter Murders Eight-year-old Girl

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A heart-wrenching story has emerged from Atlanta, Georgia.  On Saturday evening, July 4th, Charmaine Turner and her daughter Secoriea were driving with a friend when they attempted to turn into a store near a group of armed Black Lives Matter protestors.  This was on University Ave. near the burned-out Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed when he attempted to fire a taser against officers who were trying to arrest him.  The area has become a site for frequent demonstrations against police brutality.

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The media is heavily complicit in the firestorm of fear surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.  They blast out the total numbers every night trying to get people too scared to leave their homes or they might suffer a life-ending encounter with the virus.  Of course, the numbers they blast out are highly suspect.  When the cause of death is monetized (as it is with Medicare and Medicaid patients), the one that pays the most is going to wind up on line one of the cause of death. The COVID-19 mortality rates are actually very similar to the flu.

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Communist California

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Governor Newsome of California decided to make celebrating the 4th of July illegal.  Amid a supposed new outbreak of the coronavirus, California’s Gavin Newsom was adamant that no firework celebrations be done on the Fourth of July. Several cities cancelled their planned celebrations of the country’s birth.  Fireworks displays out in the streets such as we see in other states are illegal in California.  In particular, Newsome targeted family gatherings.  He told people not to attend gatherings with people who were not in their immediate family.

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A Boy On A Beach

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As we enjoy festivities on the 4th of July, the following video reminds us of the sacrifices that so many made so that we can be part of the greatest country in the history of the world.  It is 76 years since D-Day in Normandy when so many young Americans of all ethnicities stormed the beaches in the face of murderous machine gun fire.  Because of what they did, we enjoy the great country that we have today.

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The month of May saw record-setting job gains.  The May jobs report was expected to show job losses of 7 to 8 million.  This was the analysis of the financial experts and Nobel laureate economists.  Instead 2.5 million jobs were ADDED to the economy.  Never in the history of the country have we seen a turnaround like this from one month to the next.  The financial experts got the sign wrong!

More winning.  The June jobs report is now available.  The “experts” had predicted a gain of around 2.5 million jobs. However, the “experts” were way off again.  June saw a growth of 4.8 million jobs, shattering the record set in May.  In addition, the May numbers were revised upward by nearly 200,000 jobs.

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BLM Hates Black People

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For those who may have missed a piece of insanity in Provo, Utah yesterday, a 60-year-old man, who was driving an SUV, was shot.

How did this happen?  The man was driving on a street in Provo when he slowed down and got in the right turn lane to make a turn.  “Peaceful” protesters blocked his route and the route of other vehicles. The driver then sounded his horn.  They then surrounded his vehicle.  More “peaceful” protesters rushed to try to block the SUV.  This is anarchy and it gets worse.

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A Mayor Stands Up To BLM

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In Provo, Utah yesterday, a 60-year-old man, who was driving an SUV, was shot.  The man was driving on a street in Provo when he slowed down and got in the right turn lane to make a turn.  “Peaceful” protesters blocked his route and the route of other vehicles. The driver then sounded his horn.  They then surrounded his vehicle.  More “peaceful” protesters rushed to try to block the SUV.

One of the “peaceful” BLM terrorists pulled a gun and demanded the driver get out.  When the driver refused, this “peaceful” terrorist opened fire hitting the driver.   When the driver hit the gas to escape, the terrorist fired another shot through the rear window of the SUV.

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Isolation During Trying Times

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Alinsky Rule 13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Does this sound familiar?  We are seeing this played out hundreds, no thousands of times across the country.  Someone says “All lives matter.”  People storm his/her residence.  “Protesters” force the employer to get rid of that person.  A public official is forced to resign because of some remark that is twisted out of shape.  A picture is taken that appears to show something that isn’t there.  That person is fired from his job.  The mob comes after the person’s spouse or parent or child.  Acquaintances shun you or worse yet, label you with some convenient shaming label.

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