Pelosi Losing Her Mind?

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Is Nancy Pelosi losing her mind?  The longer that this fake “impeachment inquiry” goes on, the more damage she is doing to Joe Biden’s campaign.  The source of this damage is the Ukraine during 2015-2016.  More and more documents regarding the malfeasance of the Biden’s, the Kerry’s and others are being exposed.

It almost seems as if Pelosi doesn’t care what happens to these people that she has worked with for many years.  Is this what happens when you become so obsessed with power that you lose touch with reality?  Perhaps there should be a 25thAmendment for Speakers of the House.

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Burisma Payments

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Carnival barker Adam Schiff will not permit any questions related to Burisma in the Ukraine.  Schiff claimed, in the rules he promulgated for his hearings, that this was a “debunked conspiracy theory” that the Bidens benefited from corrupt payments.

Based on the evidence released by Michael Coudrey, I wonder if Congressperson Schiff would care to amend his statement.  Oh, that’s right.  I forgot. Democrats are above the law. Especially elite Democrats.

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Sham-peachment Goes Public

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On Wednesday Adam Schiff will convene his kangaroo court in public in order to continue the Democrats’ attempted coup against PDJT.  He will be aided and abetted in this by the media.  Schiff has underlined the sham nature of the process by structuring the rules so that no questioning will be permitted into the actual nature of the call between the President and the President of the Ukraine.

He has called it a sham “conspiracy theory” that the Bidens were engaged in corrupt acts in the Ukraine in 2015 and 2016 despite the fact that VP Biden himself admitted in front of cameras that he did so.  Schiff will also not permit any questioning related to “debunked conspiracy theories” about the 2016 election even though this was part of the conversation.

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The Circus Comes To Town

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Sometime this week ringmaster Adam Schiff will entertain the country with the beginnings of the public phase of his star-chamber proceeding.  Adam Schiff, as he has proven over and over again, is no seeker after the truth.  For two years during the Mueller investigation he regaled the American public with lies about what he had seen in classified documents.  These lies painted a picture of such corruption by PDJT that PDJT would likely be marched out of the White House in handcuffs when the Mueller Report was released.  Of course, when the report was released, Schiff was convicted in the court of public opinion as a Congressman with exactly zero credibility.

This upcoming public circus is the result of actions that the Democrats took recently in the House.  House Democrats passed a resolution that defined the procedures for their inquiry moving forward.  Keep in mind the inquiry has never been officially authorized by a full House vote.  The procedures do not permit any witnesses to be called unless they are approved by Josef Stalin wannabe Adam Schiff. So the idea of something fair and transparent is about as likely as hell freezing over.

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Does The Media Lead The Coup?

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Media bias in 2019 is more flagrant and destructive than in 2016. And 2016 saw outright bias in the media like we in America had rarely if ever seen before.  24/7 it is literally “Orange Man Bad” reporting.  Surveys of reporting in the MSM show that 92% of the reporting on PDJT is negative.  This highly negative reporting is about a President who, at this point in his Presidency, has done more for the American people than the last four Presidents did over their entire Presidencies combined.

Where are the positive stories about this?

Critics of the media who call out this obvious bias, are often mocked or dismissed.   The media try to make perfectly sane people with a valid theory or gripe look like they are crazy or some kind of right-wing conspiracy nuts.  We have seen this over and over again in interviews in the MSM with Trump defenders.

Jake Tapper is notorious for doing this.  There’s simply no way that every person Tapper interviews who supports PDJT deserves to be mocked and treated like a criminal.   On the other side of coin, does every person who opposes PDJT deserve softball questions and to be treated with kid gloves?

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Biden Exposed

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My, my.  The smoke is clearing.  John Solomon over at The Hill continues to do yeoman’s investigative work.  The so-called corruption fantasy that has been derided by the Democrats and their cronies in the MSM is being documented by true investigative reporting.

Through memos obtained under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit (Solomon filed the suit this summer with the help of the public interest law firm, the Southeastern Legal Foundation), Solomon shows that everything Joe Biden and the Obama administration previously denied taking place regarding the Ukraine actually took place.

Solomon noted that Burisma hired Hunter Biden in the spring of 2014, around the time that British officials opened corruption investigations into Burisma. Hunter Biden’s firm began receiving monthly payments in May 2014 from Burisma totaling more than $166,000, according to bank records.

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