What’s Really Happening In China?

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The article below by Fred Lucas over at the Daily Signal presents facts, anecdotal evidence, rumors and speculation.  It raises some serious questions about the accuracy of the Chinese Communist Party’s numbers regarding the Wuhan virus.  Of course, you must keep in mind China is a communist country and will lie when it suits their long-term plans.  After they covered up the beginnings of this crisis and lied about human-to-human transmission, any pronouncement should be met with a huge dose of skepticism.

BTW have any Chinese government officials been infected?  How about elite military officials?  If not, why not?

It is well worth the time to read it.

The Chinese government says it has lifted the lockdown for the province of Hubei, where the coronavirus first emerged, and has reported no new results for several days. 

However, much anecdotal information has arisen to call the official line from the Chinese Communist Party into question.  Continue reading...

Racism Fake News

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One of the big-time mantras for the Democratic party and their friends in the media’s using the race card.  They believe the race card will blunt any strong, logical argument against some policy favored by the Democrats to keep minorities down on the plantation.  One only has to look at our inner cities that have been run by Democrats for decades to see this.  The Democrats have been hugely successful in fooling the people for more than 50 years.

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Fake News

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One of the things that PDJT has not been bashful about since he started running for the presidency is calling the MSM out for running fake news stories.  The left-wing news outlets (that’s most of them) will jump at any opportunity to run a fake story to put PDJT and his administration in a bad light.

The MSM ran stories for two years about Russian collusion without a scintilla of evidence to back them up.  They hired former Obama administration people to go on air and claim to have access to classified information proving this.  All of this was lies.

When the Special Counsel investigation ended, at least one outlet held a meeting with its editorial staff congratulating them on their efforts and directing them to switch gears to show the public just how racist the President was. Again, no evidence was needed.

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Elder Abuse

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The Democrats are guilty of elder abuse in propping up Joe Biden.  Yesterday Biden referred to the city of Wuhan as Luhan province.  Today Biden wants PDJT to establish a coronavirus task force with someone in charge.

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The crisis that our country finds itself engulfed in can sometimes get one down.  This video will lift you up as it highlights what is great about America.  It is a campaign video but it is inspiring rather than one that tears someone else down.  It is not the type of ad one is used to seeing during a presidential election campaign.

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Wuhan Flu Treatment Update

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Things continue to change very quickly on the frontlines.

Dr. Zelenko’s (Jewish doctor in NY) cocktail of three cheap, proven and widely available drugs has now been used to treat 699 patients in the greater New York area.  This out-patient treatment consists of the common anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine with the popular antibotic azithromycin (known as Z-Pak) and zinc sulfate.  Doses of vitamin C have been added to the treatment.

To date only four patients have needed hospitalization.  Other doctors in the NY metropolitan area who have decided to try this treatment regimen are reporting similar results.

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Is Pelosi Losing It?

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Over the past ten months or so, there has been a lot of attention paid to Joe Biden and his “gaffes.”  Of course, while Joe Biden has had his share of gaffes in the past, these were of a different variety.  Many of his current crop have been signs of a declining cognitive function.  They appear to be clear signs of early stage dementia.

There have been many indicators.  These have ranged from not knowing what day of the week it is, to what state he is in, to what office he is running for.  Biden has also erupted into bouts of anger when asked questions he doesn’t like.  Biden is also unable to finish thoughts that he starts articulating particularly when he is not in front of a teleprompter.

Because of these exhibitions of cognitive deficiency, much attention has been focused on protecting him in the media.  His public appearances have been reduced to limit his exposure.  The DNC has been trying to get Bernie Sanders to give up the fight for the nomination so that they can focus on rebuilding Biden’s image.  So far Sanders has been unwilling to do that.  Perhaps he is hoping that Biden’s cognitive weaknesses will be exposed enough that the DNC will be forced to turn elsewhere for a candidate.

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Media Bias

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Last week two Democratic governors banned the use of hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for people ill with the China virus.

In Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak stated that there’s no consensus among experts or Nevada doctors that the drugs can treat people with COVID-19. His order also limits a prescription to a 30-day supply to ensure it’s available for “legitimate medical purposes” and so that people cannot find a way to hoard the drug.  In other words, if you live in Nevada and are sick with COVID-19, you cannot be prescribed hydroxychloroquine on an outpatient basis because that would not be a “legitimate medical purpose.”  You can only be prescribed the drug if you are in the hospital.  So, the governor is trying to fill up the hospitals?

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Things We Have Learned

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This will be an ongoing project to talk about different things we have learned during the Wuhan Flu crisis.  Today’s topic is about Communist China as a global menace.

PDJT has been talking about this issue since before he descended the escalator in Trump Tower to announce he was running for President.

Let’s look at this crisis and understand the absolute menace that Communist China is to the world.

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