Ballot Harvesting

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HR 1, Nancy Pelosi’s 1st submission to the House in 2019, allows for ballot harvesting.  What is ballot harvesting?  Ballot harvesting is the collection and submission of absentee or mail-in ballots by people who are not the voters themselves. The indiscriminate use of this practice is outlawed in most states and developed countries.  This is because of its susceptibility to election fraud.

California changed its rules before the 2018 election to allow persons other than close family members to collect and submit ballots. Large, last-minute submissions of votes in the election delayed results and altered the outcome of several elections from the outcome indicated by initial results.  In all cases the elections were eventually won by Democrats.  This reminds one of the old mayor of Chicago who used to ask, “How many votes do you need?”

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Media Inspired Violence

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There have been numerous posts here and elsewhere about the incredible media bias when it comes to reporting about PDJT, conservatives and Trump supporters.  The MSM, by and large, has become a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party.  Without the MSM the Democratic Party would cease to exist.  It is only the constant false narratives of the media that keeps the Democratic Party in existence.  When one story is shown to be false, they move on to another.

Memories are short; the Left knows this. This helps to embolden the Left to continue to grow more and more obvious, believing – probably not incorrectly — that they can pretty much foster any scam without repercussions.  It has gotten so that today they believe they can do this without having to be subtle about it.

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MSNBC, that bastion of anti-Trumpness. had a rough day Tuesday.  The network tried to get some perspective from real people on Bernie Sanders (I-VT).  They probably thought they would generate some nice sound bites for the old Communist.  Or perhaps, do the same thing for one of the other Democratic candidates.

Keep in mind that every narrative produced by the leftist media follows a similar strategy.  Develop a narrative to produce a desired outcome.  The objective is always the same; deceive the public and sway voters.

They were interviewing voters outside a rally for Sanders when they inadvertently interviewed a Trump supporter.  The gentleman absolutely destroyed the angriest candidate for President live on national TV.

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Nunes Interview

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Rep. Devin Nunes is interviewed on Fox Business News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss AG Bill Barr being called to testify in the House about the Roger Stone case sentencing.  Additionally, Nunes discusses issues with the Mueller investigation and dirty cops.

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Media Bias

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On Friday Devin Nunes went on the Ingraham Angle and discussed his participation on the Thursday celebration at the White House over the impeachment victory.  The mild-mannered Nunes was very strong and clear about the Democrats and the media and how dirty and corrupt they have been since PDJT came down the escalator at Trump Towers in June, 2015.

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Truth, Justice and Liberty

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Wow! What a week it was!  John Fitzgerald Kennedy would not recognize the party he once led.  The Democrats have abandoned any and all obligations to truth, justice and liberty.  The Democrats showed the nation how incompetent, petulant and childish they are. 

On Monday the Democrats demonstrated that they could not run a caucus in a small state (Iowa) and have the results reported in a timely fashion.  They blamed the problem on “technical issues” in the reporting software.  This software had been developed by some Clinton operatives from the 2016 election.  It was funded in part by Pete Buttigieg, one of the candidates.

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A True American Hero

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Robert Kennedy would not recognize the Democratic Party today.  Not only do they flout the law, they boast about breaking it.  Not only do they tolerate what they know to be wrong, they join in and wallow in it.

The Democrats believe themselves to be above the law.  Some within the Democratic Party who know about wrongdoing, are too deeply involved to speak out.  Others are too frightened to speak up.  This is, perhaps, understandable in light of the number of people in the past who were ready to speak out who met an untimely end.

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Do The Democrats Hate Christianity?

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Without a doubt Christianity is under siege in America.  Ridicule of Christianity has become mainstream acceptable behavior.  From Obama’s “bitter clingers” statement during one of his campaign stops to Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” quote that was clearly aimed at evangelical Christians, elite Democrats have been denigrating Christianity in this country for a long time.

Christian beliefs in the sanctity of life, free will, and biblical virtues are scorned and ridiculed.  People who believe in the Bible have been frequently likened to ISIS. People on the Left charge such people with wanting to impose a totalitarian theocracy on the country.  Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

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