Culture of Death, Part 2

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As noted yesterday, the killing of unborn children (and in some case post-born children), is being praised and cheered in some state legislatures. Legal barriers to late term abortions have been wiped out in NY and are under assault in a number of others, including Virginia, Rhode Island and New Mexico.  The NY law that was passed and those being considered in other states exist in only two other countries around the world, China and North Korea.

The Democratic Party, who supposedly stands for the dignity of all human beings, is embracing a culture of death that would make the Nazis and Communists proud.  The question is why now and why through the state legislatures?

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Culture of Death

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Abortion has raised its ugly head again across America. One of the most despicable acts by a human being, the killing of the most vulnerable among us, is being praised and cheered in some state legislatures.  Legal barriers to late term abortions are being wiped out in some states.

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Voter Fraud

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According to the Democrats, you are more likely to be hit by lightning than for an instance of voter fraud to occur.  They have long attacked any effort to look into the potential for voter fraud as “voter suppression.”  They use scare mongering to respond to questions about this.  They hope to deter people from taking a serious look at the possibilities.  People will be afraid to be labeled as racists and worse.

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Heroes walk among us all the time.  Often we never know that a hero is nearby.  The following clip is about one of them, Sir Nicholas Winton.  Make sure you have a handkerchief handy.

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Justice Served

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As we have noted here previously, there are ongoing attempts by the left to normalize violence against those with whom the left does not agree politically.  Antifa, BLM and  James Hodgkinson are all examples of people and groups who believe this approach is not only not wrong but is actually a good thing.

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The Circus Moves To Washington

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The circus moves to Washington.  During the 2018 campaign season the Democrats issued walking orders to their candidates to play down any talk of impeachment.  Polling showed that impeachment talk was a negative for the Democrats.  Supposedly they were going to govern, to bring civility back to Washington.

Of course, as soon as they won control of the House, those pretenses were dropped.  The public and country be damned.  Impeachment of PDJT is the #1 priority on their agenda.  It overrides any and all other considerations.  This is a key part of their campaign strategy for the run-up to the 2020 presidential campaign.

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No More Catholic, Jewish, Lutheran, etc, Schools

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What will be the next move by Democrats to denigrate and diminish private school education, particularly religious schools, both Catholic and Jewish?

Judge Kavanaugh’s high school Georgetown Prep was defamed and slandered during the Judge’s confirmation process.  Based on the hearings one would believe that all that ever went on there was drunkenness, orgies, and a lack of respect for people in general and women in particular. The MSM tried to paint the school as indifferent to the activities of its students.  While the main purpose was defame Brett Kavanaugh, if a side effect was the diminishing the education provided there, that was fine with the Democrats. ... 

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The Circus Comes To Town

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The circus came to Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Friday.  As with all circuses there was a barker out there inviting people to see the mysteries within.  In this case the barker was CNN who had a “hunch” that there might be something newsworthy going on.  CNN flew a news crew down from Washington for this.  Because of a “hunch?”  It is amazing to watch these reporters spin these stories.  Clearly some people had advance knowledge communicated to them about what was going to happen.  The fact that CNN was on the receiving end of such info is telling in its own right.

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