1st Amendment

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As the elections draw closer, it is a good time to reflect on the liberties and rights that we enjoy in America.  The most fundamental of all the rights that we enjoy is contained in the 1st Amendment.

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Kelvin Cochran Vindicated

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In what is clearly a victory for free speech and the free expression of religion, the City of Atlanta has agreed to settle with Kelvin Cochran for $1.2 million in damages and attorneys’ fees.  For those who may not remember him, Mr. Cochran was the Atlanta Fire Chief who was suspended in November, 2014 for writing a book on his own time that expressed biblical views on marriage and sex.  He was later fired in January, 2015.  This happened at the height of the hysteria that said everyone must approve of same sex marriage.

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Kavanaugh Exoneration

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Early voting has begun in some states for the 2018 election cycle.  As we do so, it is important to remember the recent activities of the Democratic Party.  In particular, everyone needs to remember what the Democrats and their allies in the media did to people like Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, Leland Keyser, etc.

Jack Cashill has posted a report over at American Thinker regarding the whole sordid Kavanaugh affair.  See it here.

Jack is willing to grant that there may be some truth to Christine Blasey Ford’s story.  However, he lays out in detail both the material and non-material deceptions in her testimony and her letter.  He also shows how such evidence that exists exonerates Brett Kavanaugh. ... 

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Are the 2018 mid-term elections the most important in America’s history? It seems like every election is supposed to be the most important.  I do not think these mid-terms are the most important elections.  The most important election in the country’s history was 2016. It is hard to imagine how different the country would be if HRC had won that election.

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The Big Lies

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The Democrats have adopted the Big Lie as their main weapon in dealing with their political opponents.  Adolf Hitler said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”  This technique has enveloped the Democratic Party elite.  They are investing millions in campaign advertising that is solely character assassination.  Even left-leaning TV stations are reporting that many Democratic candidates seem unable or unwilling to answer questions on the issues of the day.

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North Platte Canteen

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A feel-good story for those of us who need one after all the negativity of the last few months.

A remarkable event occurred in June in western Nebraska, a reflection of a city’s history, pride and appreciation for the military.  The spirit of the North Platte Canteen resurrected itself.

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Kavanaugh Letter

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Judge Kavanugh’s letter to the Judiciary Committee on the final day of his hearing lays out in a dispassionate way exactly what was going on.  He also points out the obvious.  Good people will be dissuaded from public service if these types of scurrilous attacks succeed.  It is worth the read.

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On TV recently Hillary Clinton claimed that the only way to return civility to American politics is to put Democrats back in power. Apparently Mrs. Clinton has spent considerable time out in the woods communing with the spirits.  She ignored the fact that the Democrats had just tried to destroy Judge Kavanaugh’s reputation – based on what? A couple of unsubstantiated sexual misconduct accusations from nearly four decades ago, a bunch of nonsense from a high school yearbook, and some whiny complaints about the man’s tone in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee!

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Hurricane Michael Alert

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The center of Michael’s eye is expected to move inland over the Florida Panhandle or Florida Big Bend area later today, move northeastward across the southeastern United States tonight and Thursday, and then move off the Mid-Atlantic coast away from the United States on Friday.

Data from Air Force Reserve and NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft indicate that maximum sustained winds have increased to near 130 mph (210 km/h) with higher gusts. Michael is now a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Some additional strengthening is possible today before Michael makes landfall in the Florida Panhandle or the Florida Big Bend area. (read more... 

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Hate and Fear

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Violence, slander and defamation are the new normal for the Democratic Party.  If you do not like the outcome of a particular vote, you riot.  If you do not like the verdict of a trial,  you rampage through the area.  If you do not agree with the political viewpoints of Republican congressmen, you try to assassinate them.  If you do not like the outcome of a confirmation vote, you break into the offices of Senators and you assault them or their staffers.  If you want to influence a Senator’s vote, you don’t advance your ideas about the issue, you threaten the Senator’s staffers with rape. These are some of the ways of the modern Democratic Party and their followers.

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