Never Forget

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As the surveillance state becomes more and more exposed for all to see, as the blinders come off, as more people see the marionette strings, we can see why the intelligence agencies have done these things:

  • Kept Julian Assange locked up and will send him to the US Gulag.  Assange will never see the light of day while these people are running the country.  He knows too much.
  • Jeffrey Epstein suicide to close that loop of potential exposure, along with other whistleblowers.  How many other whistleblowers have met Jeffrey Epstein’s fate?
  • Maligned, impeached, harassed President Trump while in office and in private life.  The people’s President has remained stalwart throughout all of this.
  • Fixed elections through international corporate voting machine and ballot frauds.  When will this be fixed?
  • Locked down the populace when things looked like the public was getting unruly and understanding the corruption.  Yes, COVID was the instrument to control the public.  Fear porn was generated to gain acceptance of the loss of constitutional liberties.
  • Attacked Trump and his surrogates at every turn, including surprise raids and perp walks.  This was clearly an attempt to silence Trump and his supporters from their trek to keep the flame of liberty alive in this country.
  • Supported the money-laundering war operations in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.  The Bidens were not the only US politicians to benefit from the corrupt nature of the governments in Ukraine and Afghanistan.
  • Sold the underlying means of intellectual property design and production to China against the USA’s best interests.  Wasn’t selling 20% of the uranium mining rights in America to Russia enough?
  • Imprisoned ordinary US citizens without bail for misdemeanors.  These are tinpot dictator actions.
  • Added 87,000 armed agents to the IRS.  Don’t they harass the middle and lower class enough already?
  • Attempting to neuter the armed forces and local police on a national scale.  Clearly, they would like to nationalize the police forces in this country.  How many DHS agents are currently embedded in local police forces?
  • Propagated and promoted BLM and CRT in our schools.  Taught kids that the color of their skin defines who they are.  MLK would be turning over in his grave.
  • Criminalized school board complaints and local peaceful protests if such protests did not align with the communist agenda of the Democrats.
  • Used the media to propagandize their governmental overreach actions against the ordinary citizen.  This included silencing and cancelling anyone who stood up for life, liberty and the American way of life.
  • Corrupted virtually EVERY federal institution while degrading the country to demoralize any resistance to their plans
  •  ... 

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    Baby Killers

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    Just how mentally ill are the leaders of the Democratic Party?  Speaking at an event organized by the Democratic National Committee, President Joe Biden pledged Tuesday that his first legislative priority would be to codify a woman’s right to murder her unborn child if Democrats control both the House and Senate next year.

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    Former President Barack Obama is traveling to Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin this month to stump for Democratic candidates in the weeks before the midterm elections.

    First, on Oct. 28, he heads to Atlanta to hustle votes for election denier Stacey Abrams, who is making another run against incumbent rival Gov. Brian Kemp.  Obama will also try to persuade people that Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock should receive their vote.  Warnock is facing off against former professional football star Herschel Walker.

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    Faith In Humanity Restored? No One Trusts the Media

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    The newest Gallup polls tell us that our confidence in two facets of the news media has fallen to all-time low points. “Just 16% of U.S. adults now say they have ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in newspapers and 11% in TV news.”

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