Nazi Work
A picture and a short paragraph to remind us that the world has been down this path before.
A picture and a short paragraph to remind us that the world has been down this path before.
As the surveillance state becomes more and more exposed for all to see, as the blinders come off, as more people see the marionette strings, we can see why the intelligence agencies have done these things:
John Fetterman, also known as Uncle Fester, released a note from his doctor that he is cleared to perform all duties in the US Senate. The note said Fetterman spoke intelligently without cognitive deficits. His speech was normal. Hmmm.
Just how mentally ill are the leaders of the Democratic Party? Speaking at an event organized by the Democratic National Committee, President Joe Biden pledged Tuesday that his first legislative priority would be to codify a woman’s right to murder her unborn child if Democrats control both the House and Senate next year.
Former President Barack Obama is traveling to Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin this month to stump for Democratic candidates in the weeks before the midterm elections.
First, on Oct. 28, he heads to Atlanta to hustle votes for election denier Stacey Abrams, who is making another run against incumbent rival Gov. Brian Kemp. Obama will also try to persuade people that Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock should receive their vote. Warnock is facing off against former professional football star Herschel Walker.
There is so much to be said for this farewell address by President Reagan. The parallels that we face today are stunning. This speech is worth 20 minutes of your time.
Electric vehicles (EV) have become a significant problem in the cleanup after Hurricane Ian. EV’s are catching fire due to their batteries being corroded by the salt water floods.
“Hot, Hot, Hot” is the mantra that we keep hearing from the financial pundits. Despite the valiant efforts of the Fed, the economy continues to have inflation woes. The financial and business media call the continued rise of consumer inflation “unexpected.”
The newest Gallup polls tell us that our confidence in two facets of the news media has fallen to all-time low points. “Just 16% of U.S. adults now say they have ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in newspapers and 11% in TV news.”
A new video from the World Economic Forum (WEF) puts forward the theory that economic growth must be stopped. That we cannot “save the planet” if we allow unbridled growth free rein.