A Storm Is Coming

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It’s absurd that the Soros-backed district attorney in New York actually managed to convince a grand jury to indict President Trump over this senseless matter of hush payments which higher authorities including the Federal Election Commission have decided were not illegal.  Let’s also keep in mind that Stormy Daniels had to pay Trump’s attorney fees.  And add to that fact that Daniels just lost another round and is being required to pay even more of Trump’s attorneys’ fees ($122,000). ... 

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Is DeSantis A Fraud?

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Much debate has swirled around Governor Ron DeSantis and his bona fides.  Is he for real?  That is, will he represent the people if he advances to higher office or will he be another puppet of the Deep State?  An interesting development in Florida may hint at an answer to that question.

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January 6th Shaman Released

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Last week was a very busy week.  A deranged woman, who thought she was a man, shot up a Christian elementary school in Nashville murdering six people including three young children.  On Thursday, in an effort to push that story off the front page, the Soros-funded DA in Manhattan, indicted PDJT.  These were the two big stories of the week.  However, there was another story that received almost no attention.  Jacob Chansley, the so-called Jan 6th Shaman, has been released from prison 14 months EARLY.

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Brian lives in California. He was sick of the world, of Covid-19, Trump, Russian belligerence, China, global warming, racial tensions, and the rest of the disturbing stories that occupy media headlines.

Brian drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could. He got back into his car and wound down all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and revved it to a slow idle.

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A Note For Passion Week

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Fr. Frank Pavone went on Steve Bannon’s War Room on Monday.  Father Pavone compared the evil of the mob who went after Jesus to the evildoers of our time who are destroying our Justice system and turning the rule of law on its head.  On Tuesday of Holy Week, the demonic individuals on the left will indict an innocent man who just happens to be the leading Republican candidate for President.

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