Dr. Tom Woods has graced us with another one of his posts that hits the nail on the head about how the public was mis-lead during the scamdemic.
Dr. Tom Woods has graced us with another one of his posts that hits the nail on the head about how the public was mis-lead during the scamdemic.
The Democrats surely believed that they would be rid of PDJT by now. They stole the election, labeled it a lie to say so and thought that the public would buy their crap. As it turns out, PDJT is still one of the most popular political figures in the country. Arguably he is more popular now than in 2020. What didn’t destroy him has made him stronger.
Trump has been joined by others who are standing up for values that the Democrats despise. Among them is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who has demonstrated conclusively that elections have consequences. Just ask the Disney Corporation about that. DeSantis has also demonstrated that standing up for the common people all the time is a winning strategy.
On Monday the FDA chief, one Dr. Robert Califf, said that the baby formula problem is just a distribution problem. There is no real shortage of baby formula.
Let’s note that in 25 states, 40-50% of baby formula is out of stock. In another 5 states, more than 50% of baby formula is out of stock.
Joe Biden visited Buffalo after the mass shooting on Saturday. Yet he couldn’t visit Waukesha after a terrorist killed 6 people and injured dozens more after he plowed through a Christmas parade. According to Psaki, it was because such a visit requires a lot of assets and takes the city’s resources.
Where do they get these people? The first day on the job can be challenging for anyone. However, when one is the White House Press Secretary one should be able to at least partially respond to a reporter’s question even if it means lying. Karine Jean-Pierre does not appears to possess even that skill.
Gas prices reached a new all-time high again on Monday. This is the 7th day in a row that this has happened. If Trump as President, I am sure that is all that we would be hearing from Big Media. What are we hearing from them under Biden? Crickets!
Don Surber has hit several home runs recently with articles he has published. One of these was an article about the most basic of human rights, the right to life. As Surber notes, without this right, the rest of rights have no reason to exist.
Surber starts out:
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer complains that Americans are attacking Joe Biden during wartime:
“It is unfortunate that in a time of war, we spend all the time blaming our own president.”
House Majority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer:
"It it unfortunate that in a time of war, we spend all the time blaming our own president." pic.twitter.com/iOUocSBX52
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 13, 2022
If the shoe fits, wear it.
And, BTW, when did Congress declare war? ...
WARNING: Satire Ahead
This is going to strike a nerve with a lot of people.
Some babies said that if they cannot get enough formula in Ukraine, they will get caught sneaking into the country across the Mexican border. The ICE processing centers for illegal border crossers have plenty of baby formula for illegals. And it is free.
The first photo is from this morning at the Ursula Processing Center at the U.S. border. Shelves and pallets packed with baby formula.
The second is from a shelf right here at home. Formula is scarce. ...
That was the question before the Senate on Wednesday. Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) had vowed to put every US Senator on record. The House passed an absolutely evil bill to allow the killing of babies right up to the moment of birth. On Wednesday it was the Senate’s turn.