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Are the 2018 mid-term elections the most important in America’s history? It seems like every election is supposed to be the most important.  I do not think these mid-terms are the most important elections.  The most important election in the country’s history was 2016. It is hard to imagine how different the country would be if HRC had won that election.

For certain the Paris Climate Accords would still be in effect.  A carbon tax would have been passed saddling businesses with more regulations and regulatory expense.   This would have been another drag on the economy and would have resulted in more reluctance for companies to expand their businesses.  The hit on the GDP would be significant.

Of course, Hurricanes Michael and Florence would have still hit the US despite a climate friendly administration.  For hurricane relief I am sure that the Clinton Foundation would have wormed its way into the process.  After all, what is disaster relief without the Foundation syphoning most of the money away via administrative expenses.  Aren’t the people in Haiti still waiting for their hospital?  Just where did all that USAID money go?

ObamaCare would certainly still be in full force.  Premiums would be continuing to skyrocket.  Care would be declining.  The Democrats would be blaming business for being greedy.  In the meantime insurance companies would be raking in huge profits while underwriting Democratic campaigns to keep the money flowing.

The conspiracy by the Obama administration to rig the 2016 election would not have surfaced.  We would know little to nothing about how the Democrats had weaponized the FBI, DOJ and our intelligence agencies against PDJT’s campaign for the Presidency.  The depths of the corruption would have been buried in the DC swamp.  Andrew McCabe would probably be running the FBI as a reward for his service.  We would know little to nothing about people like Strozk, Page and the Ohr’s.  They would have moved on to more prosperous endeavors.

We would still have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. As a result, businesses would continue to move abroad. The Democrats would complain about the lack of patriotism in those who run those businesses.  Meanwhile the unemployment rate would be significantly higher. This would be called the new normal by the Keynesian economists on CNN and MSNBC discussion panels.

The Supreme Court would have become a second legislative branch of the government as activist judges were confirmed to the court.  This would undoubtedly have resulted in the evisceration of gun rights and free speech rights.  Freedom of religion would be on the way to being redefined as the freedom to worship at the church of one’s choice.  Exercising your religious beliefs in public would be defined as an extremist point of view.

Iran would be well on its way to a nuclear bomb.  This would be destabilizing the Middle East.  The chances of an all out war there would be substantially higher.  ISIS would still be roaming over a significant portion of the Middle East maiming and killing anyone who would not submit to their perverted view of Islam.

Minority unemployment would still be sky high.  The Democrats would blame a Republican-controlled Congress just as they always do.  Meanwhile the public would continue to be disenchanted with anyone who inhabits DC.

The Deep State with the backing of the Dems would have gone after Trump and his family and his businesses.  The message would be that no outsider should ever threaten the deep state again. The people don’t choose their leaders, the establishment does. Anyone daring to challenge this will be destroyed.

I could go on and on.  So no, this is not the most important election in the history of the country.  2016 was. The election in a few weeks is the second most important election in history.  It means the difference between continuing the Trump agenda versus jamming on the brakes.  So vote for a prosperous economy with opportunity for all or vote to revert back to an economy that had trouble getting out of its own way.