Mid-Term Election Results, Part 3

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The Democrats won control over the House of Representatives.  What does this mean going forward?

An intellectually honest review of the possibilities must encompass what the Democrats have done in the recent past.  The last time the Dems regained power in the House was in 2006 during Bush 43’s second term.

In doing this review one must keep in mind the Democrats’ 1stcommandment as noted by Dee Chadwell:

Back in 2006 the American public had not yet been primed for a Marxist-type social order.  It was important to appear centrist while at the same time encouraging some political violence “against capitalism.”  Nancy Pelosi said of the Occupy Wall Street violent anarchists, “God bless these people.”

She did this while accepting megabucks for Democratic Party activities from big Wall Street donors.  This is typical of what Democratic pols do. As the years have passed, they have become more comfortable lying, cheating, engaging in character assassination and encouraging political violence and then pretending that what they did was okay since it “advanced the common good.”  Their activities are done with one thing in mind, gaining power.

Back in 2006, union members did the Democratic dirty work.  They were the anarchists who rioted, smashed windows, intimidated voters and engaged in all types of voter fraud on behalf of the Democrats.  The reason the Dems are opposed to voter ID laws is not because it results in voter suppression of minorities but because such laws would inhibit their voter fraud activities.  In fact, studies have consistently shown that voter ID laws result in greater participation by minorities.

Getting back to the potential for political violence, will we see such violence?  Based on 2006 I believe the answer is “Yes.”  The American public has been prepped for such violence.  The riots in Ferguson and Baltimore are evidence of that.  People were paid to show up and aggressively participate just as they were for the Kavanaugh hearings.

When PDJT won the election in 2016, “protests” broke out in many cities.  Of course, most of these “protests” were really riots.  Windows were smashed.  Stores were looted.  Cars were set on fire.  When the GOP tried to repeal Obamacare, the Dems led by Senator Warren, riled up their base.  The result was the attempted assassination of a significant number of Republicans on a ball field.  Did the Dems tone down their rhetoric?  Absolutely not.  With Maxine Waters leading the way, they encouraged more physical confrontations wherever the GOP went.

The American public has been prepped to accept this as normal.  Recently an Antifa group tried to break into Tucker Carlson’s house.  They terrified his wife and children.  For the Democratic rank and file, by suspending their belief systems, they can accept this as not only normal but, actually a good thing.

As Sundance over at CTH said,

So will violence escalate? One would hope not.  However, the evidence points toward more violence in the name of advancing a Marxist agenda.  Via the Democrats the country is under siege from Marxism.

The Dems will give only token effort toward trying to govern.  Instead they will devote most of their energies to trying to neutralize PDJT, to tearing down the Christian social fabric of the country and to returning the majority of the American public to the Democratic plantation.

Will this lead to our own version of Kristallnacht?

On November 9-10, 1938, Jewish homes, buildings and synagogues were attacked by paramilitary forces and civilians.  German authorities looked on without intervening.  The name Kristallnacht comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues were smashed.

Hundreds of people were killed.  Tens of thousands of Jewish men were incarcerated in concentration camps. This led to the beginning of the Final Solution and The Holocaust.

Is something like this what can we expect from the Democrats returning to power?  Will they complete their transition to becoming the Nazi Party of the 21stcentury?


1 thought on “Mid-Term Election Results, Part 3

  1. Jerome boyce

    Finally an American citizen has the intestinal fortitude to speak the Truth in a public forum!!!

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