As noted yesterday, the killing of unborn children (and in some case post-born children), is being praised and cheered in some state legislatures. Legal barriers to late term abortions have been wiped out in NY and are under assault in a number of others, including Virginia, Rhode Island and New Mexico. The NY law that was passed and those being considered in other states exist in only two other countries around the world, China and North Korea.
The Democratic Party, who supposedly stands for the dignity of all human beings, is embracing a culture of death that would make the Nazis and Communists proud. The question is why now and why through the state legislatures?
The Democrats are no fans of small government. Their mantra is bigger and bigger government. Their mantra is the centralization of power. So why attack this issue now through the state governments?
The reason appears to be two fold. First, the current composition of the Supreme Court has led some on the left to believe that a decision overturning Roe v. Wade could happen in the next few years. For the first time since 1937, the Court has a majority of justices who believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When one adds to this the tenuous status of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health and that a vacancy in her seat may occur, this leads to the conclusion that the Democrats know that Roe v. Wade was morally and legally wrong and will likely be overturned.
Roe v. Wade was one of the most perverse decisions ever to come out of the US Supreme Court. It was worse than Plessy v. Ferguson which legalized “separate but equal” and allowed for the proliferation of Jim Crow laws and racial segregation by Democratic legislatures around the country. Plessy is still widely regarded as one of the worst decisions in U.S. Supreme Court history.
In Roe v. Wade, seven lawyers implicitly categorized the unborn baby in a mother’s womb as her “personalty” (a legal term referring to one’s private property). In other words, the unborn child is the private property of the mother. Therefore, she is free to do with that property as she sees fit. In effect, Roe v. Wade asserts that the unborn child does not become a human being until it is born. As such, it has no rights of its own even though it is a living human being.
If Roe v. Wade were overturned, the effect is that the “right” to an abortion would devolve to the various state laws still on the books. In NY’s case this would have prohibited third trimester abortions. NY’s law was one of the most “progressive” at the time of the Roe v. Wade decision. As noted above, NY has now joined China and North Korea in allowing abortions up to the moment of birth.
Obviously the Democrats are preparing for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Since they know that they could never get legislation through Congress like that which was passed in NY, they have opted for the small government strategy. How successful at this they will be remains to be seen. It is unclear how many islands of depravity exist like the NY State Legislature.
A majority of Americans (53%) support an outright ban on all abortions except to save the life of the mother. A super-majority of Americans (74%) oppose abortion after the first trimester.
Life Site News notes:
Yet Democrats are moving in the opposite direction of what an overwhelming majority of Americans want. Add to this that such a ban would be morally right. Can this be enough to persuade elite Democrats to abandon this strategy of legalizing a culture of death? Probably not. That is because of reason #2.
That reason is money. Money is power. And the Democrats enjoy a largesse from supporting the killing of babies that is difficult to believe.
Casey Mattox, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom reports:
How much money?
And the Democrats are the ones who scream the loudest about “dark money” in politics. The Democrats do not want this money stream to be reduced especially since labor unions have less money to spend on Democratic candidates due to recent Supreme Court decisions.
Tom Perez, Chairman of the DNC, demanded ideological purity on this issue. On April 21, 2017 he said:

Courtesy…Huffington Post
In effect he was saying that you cannot be a Democratic politician unless you support the killing of babies. So it is likely that allowing abortion at all stages of a pregnancy will remain a bedrock principle of the Democratic Party. This goes back to the Democrats’ 1stcommandment.

Courtesy…Dee Chadwell…American Thinker
Doing what is right does not enter into their political calculations. The Democrats’ position on abortion will only “evolve” to opposing it when they believe the public will kick them out of office for supporting it.
This is the modern Democratic Party.