Party of Death

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The Democratic Party has become the party of death.  Their moral depravity is on display for all the world to see.  They are an embarrassment to civilized society.  Even China during its “One Child” days (over 100 million abortions) protected a baby that was born alive.  In what has to be the most stunning vote in the history of the US Senate, 44 Democrats voted to allow the killing of babies after their birth.  They have truly become the Party of Death.

Three Democrat Senators voted to support the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act[Casey (PA), Manchin (WV), and Jones (AL)], all others voted against protecting the babies.

The bill wasn’t about limiting abortion.  The bill wasn’t about challenging Roe v. Wade, one of the worst decisions in Supreme Court history.  As Senator Sasse (R-Neb) said:

Didn’t the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution enshrine everyone’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  How does this not apply to a newborn baby?

PDJT was very restrained when he tweeted:

This vote was simply a choice between voting for good or for evil.  The Democratic Party has been hijacked by the forces of evil.  So they voted for evil.  Anyone who would advocate the killing of a newborn or allowing a newborn to die because it may be unwanted is evil personified or is suffering from a mental defect.

The following are supposedly mature adults who hold this position:

Some people want to point to polls that show that a majority of people support limits on abortion.  I have done so here in the past.  However, this is not the point here.  There are moral absolutes about right and wrong, good and evil.  Regardless of what people say in polls about abortion, it is wrong to advocate for the killing of newborns.  It is evil to do so.  It is sickening to do so.

In an op-ed published Feb. 12 in USA Today, Sasse wrote, “It should not be difficult for the members of the U.S. Congress to affirm that a child, outside the womb, deserves the protections of our law.”

“It should not be controversial to say that a child, cold and naked on a table, deserves to be treated with dignity and humanity,” he added.

Apparently he underestimated the difficulty for Democrats.  And the difficulty may have something to do with the “dark money” that pours into Democratic campaign coffers from abortion providers.  Apparently there are only three Democrats left in the US Senate that can see through the money pouring in, that can discern right from wrong.  And it may not be all that clear for them either.

How can something this obvious, that a baby has civil rights, be subject to a vote by these morons?  This is completely surreal. Who, in their right mind, would call for the killing of babies lying cold and naked on a table?  In what kind of world is this action ever up for discussion? What kind of monsters want to be on the record supporting killing newborns?   This needs to be hung around all of their necks the next time they run for re-election.