Not. One. Single. Whisper. Of. Scandal.

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Apparently Joe Biden’s campaign is going to be built on a foundation of lies. His video launching his campaign falsely accused PDJT of equating haters with people who stood up to hate during the Charlottesville tragedy.   This drew rebuke from both sides of the aisle and even on some Democratic MSM outlets.

On Friday Biden decided to double down on this tactic when he went on “The View” and stated that the one thing he was proudest of during his time in the Obama administration was that there was “not one single whisper of scandal.” He was enthusiastically supported in this statement by the co-host Joy Behar.

Is this another one of the famous Biden gaffes?  Or is this part and parcel of some novel campaign strategy? If Joe Biden truly believes what he said, then the moniker of “Sleepy Joe” must be true.

Hans A. von Spakovsky over at the Heritage Foundation noted the following scandals:

  • State Department email. In an effort to evade federal open-records laws, Mr. Obama’s first secretary of state set up a private server, which she used exclusively to conduct official business, including communications with the president and the transmission of classified material. A federal criminal investigation produced no charges, but FBI Director James Comey reported that the secretary and her colleagues “were extremely careless” in handling national secrets.

  • Operation Fast and Furious.The Obama Justice Department lost track of thousands of guns it had allowed to pass into the hands of suspected smugglers, in the hope of tracing them to Mexican drug cartels. One of the guns was used in the fatal 2010 shooting of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Congress held then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt when he refused to turn over documents about the operation.

  • IRS abuses.Mr. Obama’s Internal Revenue Service did something Richard Nixon only dreamed of doing: It successfully targeted political opponents. The Justice Department then refused to enforce Congress’s contempt citation against the IRS’s Lois Lerner, who refused to answer questions about her agency’s misconduct.

  • Benghazi.Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed in the attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya. With less than two months to go before the 2012 election, the State Department falsely claimed the attack was not a terrorist attack but a reaction to an anti-Muslim film. Emails from the secretary later showed that she knew the attack was terrorism. Justice Department prosecutors even convinced a magistrate judge to jail the filmmaker.

  • Hacking.Mr. Obama presided over the biggest data breach in the federal government’s history, at the Office of Personnel Management. The hack exposed the personnel files of millions of federal employees and may end up being used for everything from identity theft to blackmail and espionage. OPM Director Katherine Archuleta, the president’s former political director, had been warned repeatedly about security deficiencies but took no steps to fix them.

  • Veterans Affairs. At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at a Phoenix VA facility, many of whom had been on a secret waiting list—part of an effort to conceal that between 1,400 and 1,600 veterans were forced to wait months for appointments. A 2014 internal VA audit found “57,436 newly enrolled veterans facing a minimum 90-day wait for medical care; 63,869 veterans who enrolled over the past decade requesting an appointment that never happened.” Even Mr. Obama admitted, in a November 2016 press conference, that “it was scandalous what happened”—though minutes earlier he boasted that “we will—knock on wood—leave this administration without significant scandal.”

In addition, there was the Gold King Mine disaster courtesy of the EPA. Solyndra must never have happened (and Biden was directly involved in that one).   HRC must never have sold 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia.  What was the quid pro quo there?  The Russians must have donated more than $140 million to the Clinton Foundation because they thought this was the right thing to do. After receiving subpoenas for her emails, HRC must not have used BleachBit on her server. Her Blackberries must have been accidentally run over by hammers. The fact that top-secret emails from HRC turned up in disgraced former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner’s computer must have been an error in routing by the Internet.  And the list goes on and on.

It got so bad that 47 of Mr. Obama’s 73 inspectors general signed an open letter in 2014 decrying the administration’s stonewalling of their investigations.  Remember that President Obama had promised over and over to have the most transparent administration in history.

And this says nothing about the biggest scandal in the history of America politics, the weaponizing of multiple federal agencies against the campaign of PDJT, also known as Spygate.  There are now serious questions being raised as to just how long the illegal spying of Americans was going on.  There are indications that It could go all the way back to the IRS scandal.

The Obama administration was arguably the most scandal-plagued administration in the history of the country.  Why?  There was never any housecleaning.  Being a Democrat was like having a “Get out of jail free” card.

To say that Sleepy Joe got blasted on social media for his comments would be understating the case by orders of magnitude.  Twitchy posted,

“Just complete, utter dishonesty’: Joe Biden hopes to get elected on the merits of this brazen, bald-faced lie. How can we trust President Joe Biden to not fall asleep at the wheel when he was apparently asleep for eight years?”

Others were less charitable.

Just what is Sleepy Joe up to?  This has to be the most tone-deaf launch of a presidential campaign ever.  Is he begging for Obama’s endorsement?  The big corporate donors who Biden spoke with last week may wish to rethink where they spend their money in this coming campaign cycle.  If one were charitable, perhaps Biden is trying to weave a narrative.  Maybe he hopes to soften the blow now that the walls appear to be closing in on his old friend Obama.

Regardless of the reasons, Biden has to be kidding if he thinks this approach is the best way to secure the Democratic nomination.