Above The Law

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Former Secretary of State and twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton acted in support of the Democratic playbook on impeachment Monday.  HRC posted on Twitter that the President is not above the law.  The current Democratic strategy is to advance the storyline that PDJT acts as if he is above the law.  This is supposed to plant in the public’s mind the false narrative that PDJT is routinely violating the law.  No facts are ever given to support this fantasy.

With Robert Mueller passing the buck onto Congress, Democratic hardliners are pressing party leadership to follow through with impeachment. And do not be deceived.  This is one of the two things that the Mueller investigation was really about. Finding a way to reverse the result of a legitimate election was always the one of the goals.  Keep in mind there are trillions of dollars at stake for the Deep State.  The other goal was to hide the culpability of those who weaponized federal agencies against political opposition.

HRC, along with her husband, apparently were above the law.  In HRC’s case, despite mishandling classified emails after being warned about her home-brew server multiple times, the Obama DOJ “chose” to decline prosecution.  The same activities by a member of our military would have led to years if not decades in prison.

How about obstruction of justice?  If the definition is, as it should be, trying to cover up the truth about criminal acts, how was HRC not charged?  She used BleachBit to wipe all evidence of her crimes of mishandling classified information.  She did this after having received a subpoena for those records.  She used hammers to destroy her Blackberry phones so that they could not be examined for evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

It is clear that the Clintons are no longer as feared as they once were.  Proof of this is the fact that Twitter roasted HRC over her tweet.

And it goes on and on like this.

Perhaps the most succinct was from Donald Trump, Jr.  No hyperbole.  No ranting.  Just four words.

I wonder what Nancy Pelosi thinks about this “help” she is getting from HRC.