ICE Raids & CNN

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As many people know at this point in time, ICE conducted a round-up of illegal aliens at Mississippi food processing plants last week.  In total, some 700 such individuals were apprehended.

Over more than a decade, hundreds of undocumented workers across the country told federal officials they worked at food processing plants in Mississippi.

Some immigrants were outfitted with ankle monitors while awaiting deportation hearings.  Authorities were able to track their comings and goings which, in many cases, included a number of Mississippi food processing plants.

On Wednesday, immigration officials conducted raids on seven Mississippi plants identified by the GPS tracking.

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This immediately triggered the Counterfeit News Network (CNN) to moan about “family separations” that follow the arrest of parents who break the law. They imply that somehow separating parents from their children is something new in the criminal justice system under the Trump administration.

CNN want their viewers to believe that only Hispanic families are separated when a parent is arrested, and that this only started happening because the Trump Administration is evil incarnate.

For anyone reading who actually is an idiot: If someone in the United States gets caught breaking a law, there’s a decent chance that they will be detained at least for a short period of time as part of their legal due process. And that means they will be separated from their families and children.

This happens to Hispanic children, black children, Asian children and white children when their parents are arrested for breaking the law.  It happens to Muslim children, Christian children, Jewish children and children of atheists as well.  It has been happening for hundreds of years.

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But the bigots at CNN want their viewers to believe that before Trump came along, you could only be detained if you didn’t have any children. And anyone who does have children is automatically given a pass. But that’s just not how it works.

The bigots at CNN are working hard to inspire hatred toward anyone, friends, family, acquaintances and neighbors, who support President Trump. This is an attempt to silence the truly good people of this country.  They are trying to shame anyone who stand up for the rule of law.  CNN wants to make sure all of their viewers hate, and hopefully find and assault, anyone who supports President Trump.

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Let’s be clear.  The people arrested broke the law by entering our country illegally. They then stole peoples’ identities so they could defraud employers and get jobs.   The jobs they got they stole from legal immigrants (people who followed the law) and American citizens.

Now, many of these people aren’t bad people. But, they were lured here by bigoted liberals and greedy Republicans.  They now believe they’re entitled to break our laws at-will. And that’s not okay. That’s not good for them. That’s not good for our nation.  And it is good that someone is finally trying to stop it instead of just kicking the problem down the road.

It is okay to feel sorry for the kids caught in the middle of this. However, blame for the situation the kids find themselves in needs to be laid at the feet of those who caused the problem.  First and foremost, that is their parents.  Secondly, it is those who enticed them to come here illegally, either to serve a political purpose or to increase profits.

CNN knows what they are doing.  They know they’re lying.  They are proudly pushing ahead, stoking flames of hatred and fear and violence.

Anyone who judges another based on skin color is a racist and a blight on our country. The people at CNN are racist because they pity brown people.  They are telling Hispanics over and over that they are defined by their skin color.

It’s disgusting.  CNN, and the liberals and SJWs and Democrats and progressives and socialists who love them, create more division and disparity and destruction in one single day than PDJT and every one of his supporters ever will in their entire lifetimes. Combined.

CNN is banking on the fact that people will be too stupid, too brainwashed to see through their deceptions. The fact that CNN has dropped to the bottom of the ratings may be an indication that people are a bit smarter than CNN gave them credit for.