CBS Reporter Scott Pelley led the CBS broadcast of the House impeachment “inquiry” of PDJT with a stunning claim:
“Tonight, “60 Minutes” has obtained a letter that indicates the government whistleblower who set off the impeachment inquiry of President Trump is under federal protection, because he or she fears for their safety.”
This is quite a claim. Obviously it conjures up the image of the witness protection program and Mafia-style evildoers stalking this person with intent to do bodily harm and more. The only problem? It wasn’t true. Apparently Pelley “misconstrued” the contents of a letter sent by the “whistleblower’s” attorney.
This fake news is designed to arouse public support for impeachment. CBS News should be ashamed of themselves. Of course, they won’t be since they are all in with the Democrats to oust PDJT from the Presidency by any means necessary.
The blowback was immediate. Just as there was a fierce backlash against Adam Schiff on Tuesday for his reading of a fictional account of the transcript of PDJT’s letter, Twitter erupted with messages showing the contents of the letter. More and more people are waking up to the lies being propagated by the media and the Democrats. Nowhere in the letter is there an indication of federal protection being given.
“Completely misinterpreted?” That’s lawyer-speak for there is no factual basis for such a statement. Events like this during the past week (Schiff on Tuesday, 60 Minutes, etc.) demonstrate a big problem in this country. The MSM unconditionally support whatever the Democratic Party does and says. The Dems would not exist except for the false reporting of the media.
At one time “60 Minutes” did real investigative reporting. However, that ended decades ago when they threw in with the Democrats and did not question the government blaming a defective wire in an empty fuel tank for the shooting down of TWA 800 off the south shore of Long Island in 1996. The reason then was the Clinton-Dole presidential election campaign.
Remember, more than 700 people reported seeing a rocket rise from the surface and hit the plane. Many dozens of those witnesses were considered highly credible. Jack Cashill has written two well-researched books on the subject. They represent investigative journalism at its finest.
This is stacking up to be the most monumental final battle for liberty the world has ever seen. The media has thrown in with the multinationals against the people of America.
These actions by the media and their allies in the Democratic Party are turning America into a Third World Banana Republic. Elected leaders, government bureaucrats and the media are all involved in a coup attempt against a duly elected president. They’re going all in because they think they’re going to get him removed. This has been Pelosi’s objective since the Democrats took back the House in 2018. There never was any intent to govern. This has been plotted out by her with the help of the Lawfare group.

Hat Tip…Mopar
The Democrats are a joke. And they have been for decades. Ever since they lost the ability to literally enslave (1865) and segregate (1954) black people, the Democrats have had to lie about their platform in an effort to retain their power. This does not mean that they are not dangerous. They are extremely dangerous to the life, liberty and freedoms of all Americans.
The problem they have today is that PDJT stands in their way. Thank God for that!
Without the MSM promoting them and attacking their opposition — the feckless, bigoted Democrat party would be a distant memory. The real threat to our nation’s progress and unity is the media who support top-down control over all Americans. The Democrats are merely their tool for achieving this. It’s time to call out the Scott Pelley’s, Jake Tapper’s, etc., who constantly and continually lie to us. It’s time to let them know that their power is going away because we see through their fabrications.
The storm is here!