Hong Kong vs The Democrats

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After five long months of unrest in Hong Kong, what do the protesters really want? Many have said they are protesting for democracy. To “Free Hong Kong.” To “Liberate Hong Kong.” But what does that really mean?

To better understand what Hong Kongers want, one just has to look at the flags they are carrying to their protests.

Carrying American flags is a clear indication that they want the right to self-determination.  They want the right to determine their own destiny.  Hong Kongers cannot say that.  They are forbidden to say that the protests are for independence, to become a city-state free to govern themselves along the lines of Singapore.  No one can legally say this because to do so is an illegal act in Hong Kong.  This trashes the idea of free speech.  And so much for the concept of two systems, one country.

So they carry our flag to communicate to the world what they are really protesting for.  Why is there no support for this battle for liberty from our MSM?

Meanwhile, on this side of the Pacific, the MSM continue to support the Democrats as they try to transform this country into one patterned after Communist China.  The MSM do this with their support for the star-chamber proceedings that the Democrats are running in the House basement behind closed doors.

The Democrats continue their sham proceedings while trying to convince the American public that they are being fair and above board.  They leak selected quotes out of context trying to sway the public that some imagined violation of PDJT’s oath of office has taken place.

They won’t let Republican members of Schiff’s committee ask questions that might expose the canard that they are trying to build.  The Republicans report that Schiff is now providing “guidance” to witnesses on how to answer questions.

The communists would be very proud of how the Democrats are handling this.

The Democrats are using this strategy to try to get the public to absorb some element of wrongdoing on the part of the President.  They are building this narrative as a defense mechanism.  When AG Barr, US Attorney Durham and IG Horowitz expose real criminal wrongdoing that could very well include sedition, the Democrats and their media allies want to claim that this is just political retaliation.  They want to claim that PDJT has politicized the DOJ like they did during the Obama administration.

So any prosecution against a leftist political figure will be fair game for this charge.  They hope to blow enough smoke to hide their own malfeasance that may very well include sedition when they tried to rig the 2016 election.  This also includes potential charges of trying to execute a coup against the duly elected government of the United States.  As Hillary Clinton said after the Matt Lauer interview in 2016, “If that f**king bastard wins, we could all hang from nooses!”

Fortunately more and more Americans are waking up to the schemes that the Left is running.  Crowds are getting bigger and bigger at Trump rallies.  Money is pouring into his re-election campaign.