Does The Media Lead The Coup?

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Media bias in 2019 is more flagrant and destructive than in 2016. And 2016 saw outright bias in the media like we in America had rarely if ever seen before.  24/7 it is literally “Orange Man Bad” reporting.  Surveys of reporting in the MSM show that 92% of the reporting on PDJT is negative.  This highly negative reporting is about a President who, at this point in his Presidency, has done more for the American people than the last four Presidents did over their entire Presidencies combined.

Where are the positive stories about this?

Critics of the media who call out this obvious bias, are often mocked or dismissed.   The media try to make perfectly sane people with a valid theory or gripe look like they are crazy or some kind of right-wing conspiracy nuts.  We have seen this over and over again in interviews in the MSM with Trump defenders.

Jake Tapper is notorious for doing this.  There’s simply no way that every person Tapper interviews who supports PDJT deserves to be mocked and treated like a criminal.   On the other side of coin, does every person who opposes PDJT deserve softball questions and to be treated with kid gloves?

Sometimes the media will hide behind the “speaking truth to power” storyline. The implication here is that they are being brave and are at risk of serious consequences for what they are doing. That’s just ridiculous and they know it.

Look.  Chuck Schumer is pretty powerful. Nancy Pelosi is more so. Yet every day, all day, the media frame the news such that it supports Pelosi’s agenda while attacking President Trump and his supporters.

Their reporting is geared toward swaying the public that PDJT is a national security threat, a criminal, a racist, a Russian spy or literally insane. Impeachment or removal via the 25thAmendment is their goal.  They are aiding and abetting the coup that the Democrats have been planning and trying to execute since the day PDJT won the election.

Recently this tactic has started to include Vice-President Pence. Trump’s removal from office is a foregone conclusion.  Supposedly Pence is complicit in the “criminal acts” that PDJT is engaged in.  CNN, the least credible network on the planet, has been breathlessly reporting on the likelihood of Nancy Pelosi becoming President once Trump and Pence have been dispatched.

The media’s “reporting” is also geared to trying to shame and denigrate the President’s supporters whenever possible.

It is not just that they regularly report lies as facts.  Witness the reporting around the Covington HS students who marched in the pro-life demonstrations in Washington earlier this year.  Any cub reporter could have gotten that story right. It was not hard to do.  However, because some students were wearing red MAGA hats, the media and their allies in the entertainment industry swarmed to try to ruin these teens’ lives.   Why? Because they supported life over abortion and because the President supports the same position.

This story is a really good example of how the biased media work. Were there some facts here?  Yes, there were.  An older Native American was beating a drum.  High school students who support life maintained their cool in the face of provocation by said Native American.  One such student who was wearing a red MAGA hat smiled or smirked depending on your political point of view.

The media spun this story into one about racism and white privilege.  They even duped the bishop of the diocese where Covington HS is located.  They did this by utilizing an edited video to tell the story they wanted to tell.  They created a firestorm against children who were standing up for the lives of the most vulnerable among us.  Some of those children also clearly supported the President. It was the way the media characterized the story, not the facts, that created this firestorm.

How can this be changed?  For one, the media must be held accountable for intentionally propagating false stories. The lawsuit against the Washington Post over their reporting on the Covington HS students is one such needed step. The media cannot be allowed to hide behind a shield that says that anything they report is news and is therefore exempt from the defamation laws.

Another step is to lead movements against “news” organizations that do not follow basic journalism practices on the reporting of stories. Encourage the cancelling of subscriptions to such news outlets.  Stop viewing their reporting online.  Dry up their sources of income.  This will get their attention better than any other method.

There will always be some bias within individual news organizations. That is inevitable and human. However, what needs to end is the conspiracy to overthrow the duly-elected government of the United States.