The Storm Is Here

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Devin Nunes is the Ranking Member, former Chairman, of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  Please listen to this interview and keep in mind that EVERYTHING in the Nunes memo from 2018 has been proven to be true by IG Horowitz’ report.  This is despite a virulent campaign launched by the Democrats and their allies in the media against Nunes and his family almost two years ago.

Sundance at CTH notes,

Adam Schiff wrote his own memo trying to discredit the Nunes memo.  IG Horowitz’ report shows all of Adam Schiff’s memo to be lies.  No surprise there considering how long Schiff claimed to have inside “classified” knowledge that PDJT was guilty of collusion.  All of that was a lie as well.

Read the full text of the Nunes memo here.

The American people are the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks primarily to the American political class, the American bureaucracy, the American media, and American academia.  PDJT has turned that on its head.  PDJT is exposing again and again the absolute corruption of the political class in Washington.

The greatest threats to the American people are the corrupt and/or incompetent politicians/bureaucrats/academicians/journalists found at every level of government, academia and much of the American media.

After carefully watching the whole of the political class since PDJT walked down that escalator in Trump Tower in 2015, I can say without reservation that most of that group would sell their souls and our bodies just to remain in power.   What is apparent to me is that Devin Nunes is an exception as is Jim Jordan and a few others.  They are actually running into the fight despite the evil that is being aligned against them.  These men are true heroes.  Hopefully their example will cause other men and women of character to stand up for what is right and good.

Sometimes all of this feels overwhelming.  It feels like a great weight that cannot be survived.  But then I remember God gave us PDJT because he knew the man’s heart.  He knew he was a fighter for justice.  With God all things are possible. I pray that justice comes quickly.

Hat Tip…CTH