Circling The Drain

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New Hampshire was an unmitigated disaster for Joe Biden.  The “dog-faced pony soldiers” took Joe Biden to the woodshed.  Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg split the top of the ticket with Amy Klobuchar not too far behind.  Joe Biden polled in the single digits.

It was not a good night for Elizabeth Warren either.  Her name recognition as a Senator for a next door state does not seem to have served her well at all.  Perhaps, they know her too well.

The youngsters did not seem too enamored with Bernie Sanders.

Biden bailed on the state before the results were in saying he expected to do a lot better in Nevada and South Carolina.  With his cognitive decline and his penchant for acting as a thug in some of his campaign appearances, the real question is will his campaign still exist by the time March rolls around.

Vote totals were down around 25% compared to 2016.  Where is the supposed enthusiasm in the Democratic base to rid the country of Orange Man Bad?  They have multiple candidates with varying backgrounds and the vote totals have gone down significantly.  In 2018 the 24/7 negative coverage of PDJT along with “ballot harvesting” seems to have increased Democratic turnout.  Has that strategy run its course?

One interesting side effect as reported by Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight site, is the prospects of a brokered DNC convention rising to 33%.  This is up from 25% two days ago.

PDJT held a massive rally there earlier in the week.  PDJT is currently polling higher than the last three incumbents to win  re-election.

Nevada and South Carolina should be interesting.  With PDJT a foregone conclusion, I wonder how many people in South Carolina will crossover to vote in the Democratic primary.  South Carolina has an open primary system.

Time to get some popcorn.