Obama Created Trump Economy, Part 2

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Yesterday former President Obama’s ridiculous tweet that he was responsible for the roaring Trump economy was reviewed.

In particular, the differences in policy between the two Presidents on regulation, taxes, paychecks and unemployment were discussed.  As was seen, the differences were stark and their effects were no less stark.  Obama’s policies produced a malaise that was difficult for the economy to overcome.  PDJT’s policies have unleashed the economy and set it to roaring.

Let’s take a look at a few more areas to see what effect the two Presidents’ policies have had.


The two Presidents’ policies could not be more different.  Obama embraced (at least publicly) the idea that the planet would become uninhabitable if we continue to burn hydrocarbons.  The coastlines would be submerged, glaciers would all disappear, etc.  According to those who subscribe to this outlandish theory, this is just a few years away from happening.  So, why did Obama buy a $15 million mansion on the coast in Martha’s Vineyard?

Despite a complete lack of scientific evidence that supports this climate catastrophe idea (all climate models supporting this idea have failed miserably), Obama signed the Paris Climate Accords without the Senate’s approval.  Multiple economic analyses have shown that this would have cost the American economy millions of jobs and trillions of dollars.

Upon ascending to the Presidency PDJT undertook a careful review of all the available literature on the subject.  PDJT listened to people on both sides of the question.  Then, despite immense political pressure, he made the decision to withdraw from the Paris Accords.  PDJT has gone on to approve various pipeline projects to move hydrocarbons more safely to market.

Believe or not, the result is that America is at the forefront of reducing CO2 emissions.  This is because of the greater abundance of natural gas that is being harvested from fracking zones.  At the same time more high paying jobs have been created because of this change.

In addition, this has led to a reduction of oil imports.  This is helping the country’s economy, its bottom line and its national security.  Cheap energy is a key to a robust economy.  None of this is due to Obama’s policies.


Obama bowed down to China just as he did to other countries.  Obama permitted the immensely unfair Chinese trade practices to continue.  These trade practices basically allowed China to sell their products here with little or no tariff barriers while US companies were prevented from doing so in China. This led to a continued exodus of manufacturing jobs that had begun under previous administrations both Democratic and Republican.

PDJT has long been opposed to these unfair trade practices.  See an interview from 1988 here.  PDJT believes that the American worker can compete with the world if the playing field is level.  This has been a big thrust of his foreign policy initiatives.  China is a tough nut but there are signs that his approach is paying off.  Trump is pushing the communist nation into a situation where it has to give the US a fair shake. This brings jobs back to the United States.

An exodus of manufacturing jobs has begun in China with some of those coming back to America.  The number of new manufacturing jobs in this country during the first three years of the Trump administration far exceeds the number for all of Obama’s two terms.  Obama’s statement that “those jobs are never coming back” has proved to be just as false as Hillary Clinton’s statement that half the country were racists.

In the longer term the recent passage of USMCA will generate even more jobs in America.  None of this would have happened if it had not been for PDJT’s policy initiatives.

President Trump has been working on several other major trade deals as President.  They are all helping to push our economy to the next level.  The American worker has not had as strong a supporter as PDJT.

If President Obama’s policies had truly ignited our economy, then PDJT’s policies, being as diametrically opposed to Obama’s as they are, should have caused a recession.  Of course, nothing like that has happened despite the Democrats and their media allies trying to talk the public into a recession last year.

Wages are going up and this is lifting more and more people out of poverty especially minorities.  This is the way a good economy should work.  None of this would have happened under the structure put in place by Obama.

Obama did not believe in free enterprise.  Rather he was committed to transforming America into a Marxist/communist state.  The fact that Obama is a Marxist is undeniable.  Of course, he would have been part of the elite in such a country while the common people were forced to grovel for the scraps as has been the case in all such countries in history.

America is truly blessed by the Presidency of Donald John Trump.