Democratic Racism Revealed…Again

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About ten days ago, PDJT signed an executive order which temporarily halted immigration into the United States.  This was done as an additional control for COVID-19 infection as well as protecting American jobs during this unprecedented crisis.

As expected, the left went into a frenzy over this.  However, most Americans agreed with the President that we need to protect jobs for Americans.

Beto O’Rourke displayed his blatant racism when he tweeted,

O’Rourke’s unwitting bigotry is on full display in this tweet.  The idea that we need immigration to do our landscaping, cleaning, etc. is patently absurd.

Twitter was not kind to Beto.

Democrats are afraid that Republicans will take away their slaves like President Lincoln did.

And it went on and on.  It certainly seems to be a good thing that Beto did not win that Texas Senate seat he wanted so badly.  One can only imagine what mischief he would be getting up to if that had happened.