Did Strzok Re-write Flynn FD-302?

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While the MSM is still trying to keep people cowering inside their homes due to COVID-19, more and more evidence is coming out in the General Michael Flynn case.  The DOJ has handed over a fair amount of exculpatory evidence to Flynn’s defense led by Sidney Powell during the past 10 days or so.  Supplemental motions are being filed on Flynn’s behalf sometimes on a daily basis.  This has led Judge Sullivan, the presiding judge, to request that such motions stop until all evidence has been turned over by the DOJ.  The DOJ is close to certifying this requirement.

The evidence turned over so far has revealed corruption in Obama’s FBI that may be unprecedented in American history.  Close examination of the evidence keeps finding new leads into the morass that is the Flynn prosecution.

The earliest version of the FD-302 (FBI interview notes) from the Flynn interview is approved by Andrew McCabe on February 15th more than three weeks after the interview.  Agents are supposed to memorialize their interviews on an FD-302 form within five days.  The idea is that the 302 is a contemporaneous record of the interview.  It should not be influenced by events occurring after the interview.  It is incomprehensible that, in a case of this supposed importance, an original draft was not created within the five-day window.

The question now being raised is this.  Did Peter Strzok re-write the FD-302 that Joe Pientka wrote up about the Flynn interview that took place on January 24th?  Sidney Powell disclosed in January this year that she has a witness who would testify that an original draft existed.

Powell in a radio interview:

“I’ve now found a witness who says the original 302 did in fact say that Flynn was honest with the agents and did not lie.  So for somebody to delete that from the 302 is just beyond outrageous.”

It now appears that text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the star-crossed FBI lovers, support this contention.  Focus your attention on the content inside the red box.

The redaction in the document is probably “Joe’s” because it fits and this is the date of the supposed original draft of the FD-302.  Note that this is 17 days after the interview.  Did Pientka refuse to modify his original version of the 302 in a way that Andrew McCabe wanted?  Was framing General Flynn a step too far for him?  A member of US Attorney Durham’s staff has been quoted as asking why no FBI agent had come forward about these egregious abuses that have been uncovered.

Strzok wanted to make it appear that the draft was Pientka’s since Pientka was the agent making the notes during the interview.  While no one has seen it, Pientka almost certainly prepared the original draft.  In  other words, Strzok was working on a forgery.  Thus, the “[Joe’s] voice” comment.  Did an original draft exist in the FBI system under Pientka’s name that was contemporaneous?

What happened to Pientka?  What is known is that he left Washington before February 10th and was no longer part of the Crossfire team.  He is currently in an undisclosed location.  When the Republicans controlled the House in 2018, they were interested in having him testify.  However, that never happened.

As it turned out, in 2017 Flynn quickly resigned.  There was no need for the FD-302 for a court case at that time.

I am speculating here.  In January 2017, the Deep State players had accomplished their objective of taking out General Flynn and thereby preserving the ability to run corrupt activities.  However, PDJT continued to prosper in the Presidency and had not been stopped.  The President was still a threat to their activities.  It appears that months later, with their Witch Hunt at a standstill, somebody on the Mueller Hit Squad decided that they could leverage Flynn against PDJT.  They resurrected the case and tried to elicit testimony against PDJT that would be damaging to his Presidency.

Eventually that leads us to where we are today.  We have the Mueller Hit Squad to thank for leading us to the expose that is going on.

The next few weeks may be very interesting.

Tick.  Tock.

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