Flynn Insanity

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Previously I had referred to the Sullivan courtroom as a circus.  Unfortunately that is not true.  There isn’t anything funny or humorous going on here.  And to call this a kangaroo court would be elevating this to a status that is far beyond what it really is.

This is an attempt to lynch Flynn.  There is a complete absence of the rule of law.  Sullivan is making it up as he goes along.  He is taking pieces of civil procedure and dropping them into a criminal case.  Sullivan has one simple thing to do here and that is grant the motion to dismiss that he has no authority to deny.  Sullivan appointing an “amicus” to act as prosecutor shows that he has gone completely off the rails.  Sullivan appears to be out to get Flynn by any means necessary.

On Tuesday Sidney Powell filed a motion for a writ of mandamus with the Appellate Court in the General Flynn case.  A writ of mandamus is an order from a court to an inferior government official ordering that government official to properly fulfill their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion.

In this case the request from Flynn’s attorney is to the Appellate Court to order Judge Sullivan to do his job.  That action would be the dismissal of charges with prejudice against General Flynn.  It would end the nightmare that General Flynn, an innocent man, has been put through.  It also asks for Sullivan to be removed from the case if it proceeds further based on the clear bias that Sullivan has shown General Flynn.

Sullivan has responded in what appears to be a fit of pique.  Sullivan has granted the amicus request for oral arguments.  He has also opened the door for anyone else wishing to file an amicus brief as well.  All of this is in clear violation of the rules of the court.  It also contradicts his own rulings earlier in the case.  It violates previous precedent in this court as well as ignoring the recent Supreme Court (9-0) ruling just a short time ago.

This is judicial terrorism.  Sullivan is the latest drone of the Deep State that has been flushed out into the sunlight.  Sullivan is showing that, if you support PDJT, you will never get a fair trial from a Deep State judge in DC.

This leads to the following comment on about this whole issue.

Sibel Deniz Edmonds is a former contract translator for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the founder and editor-in-chief of the independent news website NewsBud.

The FBI hired her as a translator shortly after 9/11 but fired her after less than seven months. She identified herself as a whistleblower and challenged her termination; however, the courts dismissed her lawsuit for wrongful termination because the FBI would need to disclose privileged information. She accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals, alleged serious security breaches and cover-ups and that intelligence had been deliberately suppressed, endangering national security.  (Source…Wikipedia)

We are way into uncharted waters here.  Devin Nunes said more than two years ago that the American public will be shocked at the depths of corruption when it is exposed.  And the Flynn case is just one block in this conspiracy.  These people have corrupted the entire system.

In this case there is still something missing.  The question is Why.  Why are they trying so hard to keep Flynn out of this administration?

There’s an old saying.  When you find yourself deep in a hole, stop digging.  They keep digging deeper.  Why?  This appears to be a suicidal effort by the Deep State.  What would Flynn uncover if he returned to a national security post in the Trump administration.  Remember Flynn was targeted long before PDJT won the election.

Does this article shed any light on the why?

General Flynn: “A failed state, a terrorist haven, four dead Americans – this is the Hillary Clinton record in Libya we know about.

But new evidence — and a review of the public record — reveals that Hillary Clinton’s actions in Libya were not just disastrous policy, but a violation of U.S. anti-terrorism law.

A recent report to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the British House of Commons concluded that Western intervention in Libya was based on “inaccurate intelligence” and “erroneous assumptions.” Advocates failed to recognize that “the threat to civilians was overstated and that the rebels included a significant Islamist element,” and the failure to plan for a post-Qaddafi Libya led to the “growth of ISIL” in North Africa.

However, “inaccurate intelligence” doesn’t fully describe the whole story. A closer examination of the run-up to the Libya debacle on September 11, 2012 leads to the irrefutable conclusion that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly armed radical Islamist terrorists in Libya. 

Read the rest here.

What we have here is a Swamp Judge, taking up where the corrupt DOJ and a criminal FBI left off, railroading an innocent man in a judicial free-for-all. I suppose it is a mark of how far this country has come in racial equality that a black federal judge is lynching a white military hero to hide the crimes of a seditious black president.  And the media is cheering him on.

I have to say that what I am seeing here is so lawless that I would have thought to be impossible in the United States of America.  But it’s unfolding in all its insanity, right here, right now, in front of us all.

Still, I feel that we are winning.  We are not near the end although we may be near the end of the beginning.  If we stay the course, PDJT with our help can get our country back.

God help PDJT and the country!