“Scientists” Lied, People Died

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Some time back the prestigious British medical journal Lancet published a “study” that claimed there was increased mortality among patients taking the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for the Wuhan virus.  This was a stunning publication at the time.

HCQ is a commonly prescribed drug for a host of aliments.  These include malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  It is often prescribed as a prophylactic for people who are going to travel to areas where malaria might be present.  Its side effects are well known and understood.  It is an inherently safe drug for the vast majority of people.

There have been 400+ FDA-approved clinical studies into the use of the drug.  None had noted increased mortality as an outcome in these studies.  There have been many other studies in other countries as well with the same results.  No study in this country required an EKG before beginning participation.

HCQ Facts:

– Used for 60+ years (1958)

– 100+ Million people used it

– Safely used for long time (years) by Lupus patients

– 10,000 Lupus users tested, not a single one tested positive on Corona Virus

– CDC declared it as safe to take for even pregnant women

– Out of patent = free market = cheap ($20 for treatment)

– Used in India as preventative

– French scientific study over 1,000 patients, 98% cure rate

– Brazil hospital, 90 deaths before HCQ, 0 deaths on 500 patients after using HCQ

– New York Doctor (Dr. Zelenko) 98% success rate on hundreds of patients

When the “study” came out, it was quickly seized by the media to try and discredit PDJT who had advocated the use of the drug to combat the illness.  All sorts of pundits, reporters, politicians, etc. took shots at the President.  PDJT’s recommendation was based on numerous reports from doctors on the front lines about the outstanding efficacy of HCQ.  It is the number one treatment protocol around the world.

Not long after the “study” appeared, questions began to be raised about the data that was used in the “study.”  On Thursday Lancet fully retracted the “study.”  As Sundance over at CTH notes,

It now appears the purpose of the fraudulent “scientific study”, conducted by a sketchy outfit called Surgisphere – who mysteriously appeared only after President Trump advocated for the treatment, was to weaponize medicine for political purposes.

Apparently the “study” was too tempting to resist.  The authors could paint the President as evil.  Lancet went ahead with publication.

Mark Wauck, former FBI noted,

This story is just incredible to me. The Lancet–a peer reviewed journal–apparently got reviewed by scientific peers for not subjecting a “study” on HCQ to the most minimal vetting. The verdict of the peers was extremely negative. The folks at The Lancet are now consuming a large helping of crow

What we are now seeing is the exposing of the scientific establishment as political partisans.  It isn’t only know-nothings like Neil Cavuto who are blatantly partisan.

This man is just spouting nonsense.  And we followed his advice in shutting down the economy.  It was all a fraud.

Will the media publicize this retraction?  Will the media admit that by running with a fake narrative, by saying “this drug will kill you” (Cavuto), people likely died who could have been saved?  Will Dr. Fauci admit the error of his ways?  How can a just society allow media hacks and partisan scientists to outright lie and endanger people’s lives to score political points?