Hydroxychloroquine Law Suit

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You won’t read about this in the NYTimes.  On June 2nd, the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) filed a lawsuit, AAPS v. FDA, against the Food and Drug Administration to end its arbitrary interference with the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

HCQ has been approved as safe by the FDA for 65 years, and the CDC states on its website that “CDC has no limits on the use of hydroxychloroquine for the prevention of malaria.”  It has been used in more than 400 FDA-approved clinical trials.

Two million doses of HCQ are being sent by the Trump Administration to Brazil to help medical workers there safeguard themselves against the spread of the virus. But at the same time the FDA continues to block Americans’ access to this medication.

The AAPS states,

“It is shocking that medical workers in Brazil will have access to HCQ as a prophylaxis while Americans are blocked by the FDA from accessing the same medication for the same use.  There is no legal or factual basis for the FDA to limit use of HCQ.  The FDA’s restrictions on HCQ for Americans are completely indefensible in court.”

Never in history has there been such a determined effort by the scientific community (Dr. Fauci in particular), the pharmaceutical industry and the media to downplay and lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease. It went as far as media bobbleheads spouting the nonsense that the drug “will kill you.”

In the field and in the laboratory, HCQ displayed amazing results.  From Dr. Steven Smith to Dr. Zelenko to Dr. Raoult and on, the results were consistent and quite successful.  A recent study in Italy showed that no lupus or rheumatoid arthritis patient who was taking HCQ as part of their treatment contracted COVID-19.

In this country the blowback against its use was irrational.  There were two reasons.  One, it was safe and inexpensive.  Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry could not make a lot of money.  Two, PDJT promoted its use.  Once he did, HCQ became the witches brew.  The Democrats would rather see people die that admit that PDJT was right.

The lengths that people went to smear and lie about this drug were incredible.  This included a study published in Lancet that was a complete fraud.

The AAPS said,

“Entrenched, politically biased officials at the FDA should not be allowed to interfere with Americans’ right to access medication donated to the federal government for public use.  By preventing Americans’ use of HCQ as a prophylaxis, the FDA is infringing on First Amendment rights to attend religious services or participate in political events such as political conventions, town halls, and rallies in an important election year.”

“FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn states that the FDA does not interfere with physicians’ ability to prescribe HCQ, and yet at the same time the FDA denies access by millions of Americans to 150 million doses of it in the national stockpile.” 

It is good to see that some people care about the oath they take to do the best by their patients.  It is long past time to heel in those unelected bureaucrats who are beholden to the pharmaceutical industry.