Biden Campaign Nixes Cognitive Test

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Dr. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House doctor for both Barack Obama and President Trump, expressed his concerns about Joe Biden.  In an interview on the Kyle Olson Show, Dr. Jackson noted,

“I’m not comfortable with him being my president.  I think he’s got some cognitive issues.”

Dr. Jackson did qualify his statements by saying that he has not examined Biden.  Therefore, he was not providing a diagnosis.  Dr. Jackson did go on to say,

“But as a concerned American who also happens to be a physician, I’m just going to say it’s concerning to me that he sometimes is not able to complete a sentence, not really know where he’s at or what he’s doing and we’ve seen that countless times now.”

Jackson gave the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to President Trump in 2018 at the President’s request.  President Trump did this quell criticisms from his foes that he was mentally unfit.  PDJT passed with flying colors.

Jackson went on to say that Biden’s “crazy comments” warrant him taking the same test.  It seems clear to most observers that Biden would not fare very well.  Jackson added that a debate between Biden and Trump would be an unmitigated disaster for the Democrats.  Biden has difficulty following scripted interviews.  Free lancing is just not in his mental wheel house anymore.

What we can expect going forward?  The Democrats will try to keep Biden hidden from the public as much as possible.  I think the Democrats will say that debates between the candidates are an anachronism from a bygone time that should be ended.  Perhaps they will try to work their favorite excuse, systemic racism, into the explanation somehow.

Americans need to demand that both candidates stand up and take unscripted questions from Americans and from the press.  Since PDJT has taken the cognitive test, Americans should demand that Joe Biden needs to do so as well.  It is long past time to expose this charade.