Facebook Admits Biased Censorship

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In an undercover video by Project Veritas, a Facebook moderator acknowledged that the social media giant’s hostility to President Trump and other conservatives influences its decisions regarding censoring content.  And, yes, despite claims to the contrary by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook does censor content that could possibly influence an election.

One moderator said that she deletes every Republican post that comes up in her queue.  And she was quite enthusiastic about.

“Yes! I don’t give no f—-. I’ll delete it.”

Anti-Trump content remains untouched even if company policy is violated.  Again enthusiastically she said,

“You gotta take it down but I leave it up.  If you see something that’s not supposed to be up, it’s probably me.”

Another moderator was asked how she treats posts that support PDJT.

“If someone is wearing a MAGA hat, I am going to delete them for terrorism.  I think we are all doing that.”

Facebook, as well as other social media platforms, are currently protected by the Communications Decency Act (CDA) because they claim that they do not actively edit or censor content.  This video certainly leads one to believe that is not so.  Active editing of content would make them a publisher where different rules regarding libel and slander exist.  If Facebook is restricting the free flow of ideas in the marketplace, the loss of immunity under CDA would undoubtedly affect their market capitalization currently estimated to be in the neighborhood of $400 billion.

Perhaps it is time for Facebook to be held accountable for their actions.