More Flynn Evidence

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I have stated several times here that the longer that Judge Sullivan runs out the clock on the Writ of Mandamus, the more evidence that is coming to light that shows just how utterly corrupt the whole process was against General Flynn. As many people know by now, based on handwritten FBI notes released in April, Flynn was framed by crooked, Trump-hating agents.

On Tuesday, the DOJ released notes by Tashina Guahar and Peter Strozk from a meeting on 1/25/17.  Also included were notes from former FBI counsel, Dana Boente as well as a DOJ internal document from 1/30/17.  Boente was forced out by AG Barr recently.  This was probably because of his refusal to send Brady evidence to the Flynn defense team.

This information was provided under seal.  However, recent such filings have been made public the next day.  So, the content may be forthcoming soon.

What is the DOJ’s purpose here?  Anyone who has followed this case knows that the DOJ has provided more than enough evidence of internal wrongdoing to have the case dismissed.  At this point Sullivan has failed to dismiss the case as ordered by the Appellate Court.  Is Sullivan hoping for an en banc review by the entire Appellate Court?  Could this new release of exculpatory evidence be aimed at discouraging such a review?  Is the DOJ hinting that the Court does not really want this case to continue on?  The letter indicates that more evidence may be forthcoming.  Perhaps, if Sullivan delays long enough, the public will see the entire conspiracy laid at former President Obama’s doorstep.

It appears, based on several legal scholars’ insights, that Judge Sullivan has until 7/14 to follow the Court’s order.  If he fails to do so, then an automatic dismissal takes place.  The next week should be interesting.