Schiff Unnerved

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House Democrat Adam Schiff seems to be getting unnerved over how the DOJ is conducting their investigations.  Schiff has a “dread” over serious abuse of federal law enforcement against those who have committed criminal offenses.  Perhaps, Schiff is looking over his shoulder at potential criminal indictments?

Schiff went on Talking Feds, a podcast, and talked about cases from the Russia investigation as examples of serious abuse by the DOJ headed up by Bill Barr.  These included Roger Stone and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“One of the concerns I have with Bill Barr is that the worst is yet to come. I mean, he’s got a terrible, destructive track record as it is, and it may get worse in the coming days.  But what we have seen largely is Barr’s intervention to protect the president.”

This is a well-worn approach by Schiff.  It is almost as regular as Schiff lying about having seen conclusive evidence of Russian collusion in the Trump campaign from 2016.  A crack team of Democratic lawyers were unable to unearth any evidence of that claim.

Schiff went on to say,

“What we have not yet had full visibility on is not Barr’s use of the shield to protect corruption writ large of his boss, Donald Trump, but the sword.  Now he may be using the power of the Justice Department through Durham or others to go after the president’s enemies. And in many respects, that is a far greater, more serious abuse of the power of the Justice Department than his use of the shield.”

It is interesting that Schiff has chosen the sword for his symbol of what AG Barr may be doing.  Does Adam Schiff see the sword of justice coming for him?

Barr has recently said that it is “infuriating” that officials have “misled the American people grossly over a long period of time with exaggerated claims and misinformation [about the Trump campaign], and they haven’t been held accountable.”

It is well known at this time that many Obama officials claimed over and over the walls were closing in, etc., based on their supposed review of classified information.  When questioned under oath, all of them recanted any public statement that they made in this regard.  Perhaps Adam Schiff needs to be put under oath in public and made to answer questions about his supposed knowledge of classified information and possible involvement in leaking such info.  Are the walls closing in on Adam Schiff?