Florida Police Unanimously Endorse Trump

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All the country has heard for weeks is the need to defund and dismantle police departments across the country.  The public has been told over and over that there are no redeeming values in America’s law enforcement.  Democratic politicians have been at the forefront of these efforts.  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has called police “a cancer” that needs to be eradicated.  Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has climbed aboard the lunatics’ bandwagon.

Some police have had enough of this nonsense.  Last week the 30,000 member Florida Police Benevolent Association (FPBA) held an emergency vote to make clear who they supported in the upcoming presidential election.  The vote was unanimous to endorse PDJT.

FPBA President John Kazanjian told “Fox and Friends” on Friday,

“We’re getting beat up. We’re being used like a punching bag, and we’re tired of it,” he said.

Urging the board to back the president, Kazanjian said he spelled out to the leadership that “President Donald Trump has been there for us. He supported us.”

This upcoming election for president isn’t simply about electing a Democrat or a Republican, it’s about a fundamental choice about the kind of society we choose to live in and the future we desire for our families for generations to come. Every man, woman, and child in America has a fundamental right to live in communities that are safe and where men and women in law enforcement are respected for the personal sacrifices they make each and every day to keep the public safe. But sadly, you don’t have to look too far to see how quickly public safety all across this country has eroded because of the increasing attacks on the men and women in blue.

Kazanjian went on,

In order to maintain our fundamental right to live in a society that is both free and safe, Americans need to elect the one candidate for president who is committed to making our country safe and secure. For the 30,000 men and women in the Florida Police Benevolent Association, the choice for us could not be clearer. President Donald J. Trump has never once wavered from his support of law enforcement officers, especially as we are faced with these unprecedented challenges. President Trump’s commitment to preserving law and order in America is our country’s last great hope to live in the kind of society where our communities thrive and our families prosper.

The FPBA recognizes the serious problem that afflicts civil society in this country.  They also recognize that only one candidate can fix it, President Donald J Trump.