All African-Americans Think Alike

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Joe Biden has gone and done it again.  As Biden slips deeper into dementia land, his true feelings and thinking continue to surface.  This is the latest statement by Sleepy Joe.

Was Biden reading off a teleprompter?  If he was, does the Biden campaign have a Trump supporter writing this stuff for Biden to read?  It would have been less racist to say “they all look alike to me.”  This is incredibly condescending.  Biden clearly thinks he has the black vote locked and he can say whatever he wants to.

The notable exceptions Biden refers to are probably people like Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas.  These are all people who found their way off the Democratic plantation.

Joe Biden is probably at his best in the morning and this was the morning.  There are some indications that he has sundowner’s syndrome.  That’s where the person becomes less moored to reality as evening approaches.  His handlers must feel like they are riding around a mine field on a tractor with balloon tires.

From a few weeks ago.  This is insane.

This is what Biden really thinks.

Will the Democrats actually continue to have Biden at the top of the ticket?  Or will Biden be replaced?  Is this decision holding up the selection of his running mate?

Biden has to get out in front of the public.  The media can only protect Biden for so long.  If Biden stays in his basement, his competency will become a bigger and bigger issue.

If the decision is made to replace him, who will be the nominee?  The Democrats don’t have a centrist white guy to run. Sanders may be writing the campaign platform but he also is damaged goods.  He is too far left for most Americans.  If the Democrats had anyone else, they would have nominated that person instead of demented Joe.  And more than half the electorate believes Biden is in the early stages of dementia.