COVID-19 Madness    

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The Democrats with the help of their media allies have been successful in perpetrating a hysteria about COVID-19.  Most recently this has resulted in the announcement by the PAC-12 that they are cancelling their conference’s college football season.  Of course, all but two of the schools in the conference are in states ruled by Democratic dictators like California’s Gavin Newsome.  Newsome has gone so far as to say that there will be no return to normal until a vaccine is developed to eradicate the illness.  Apparently his intent is to inflict as much misery on their residents as possible in hopes of defeating PDJT in November.

There will be never be a vaccine that meets Newsome’s requirements so I guess California colleges can forget about ever again having sports.  Right now multiple studies have indicated that as many as 11 strains of the illness are floating around the world.  Mutation of the virus is a given and will continue.  The most one can expect is something like the flu shot that may or may not protect you from the strain that happens to get going in your area.

The public has been subject to lockdowns, social distancing and mask mandates.  Why?  In the beginning the idea was to “flatten the curve.”  The fear initially was that a raging pandemic would overwhelm the healthcare system.  This would lead to triaging patients with COVID-19.  Those with the least chance of survival would be left to die.

The curve was flattened.  The virus turned out to be less serious than anticipated.  The experts like Dr. Fauci turned out to be embarrassingly wrong over and over again.  They were so wrong that doctors and other healthcare workers were laid off in many places due to a lack of patients.

Because the economy took a hit, the Democrats and the media decided to double down and change the rules.  Now it became that we had to eradicate the virus before the country could open up again.  In this way by keeping the economy shut down, the Dems might win the White House.

Let’s go back to the initial idea, flattening the curve.  Lockdowns were never intended to decrease the number of infections. The point always was to slow down the rate of infection.  In this way our hospitals would not get overwhelmed.

Last week during a White House press conference, PDJT took on the media lies and gaslighting.  Redstate’s Michael Thau noted that PDJT “corrected an enormous misconception that’s been disgracefully encouraged by Fauci and his media enablers:”

The President is exactly right again.  And we have learned about the illness and multiple effective treatments are now available AROUND THE WORLD!  However, the media have created a firestorm of fear about the illness.  This has led to an almost unshakeable belief in the power of quarantines and shelter-in-place orders.

The same can be said about social distancing and mask mandates.  Until herd immunity is reached, the COVID-19 virus isn’t going away.

Michael Thau further reports,

In far too many cases, those pushing for lockdowns encouraged the false belief that we were going to lower the number of people ultimately contracting COVID-19 by failing to explicitly acknowledge that the point was, instead, only to get “the same large number of patients arriving at the hospital at a slower rate.

PDJT also tackled the lie about the danger to young and healthy Americans.  The median age of US fatalities is 80.  That means that half of all fatalities are over 80 years old.  Michael Thau notes,

Data from America show that under age 18, the mortality rate is .0001%.  Essentially that’s almost zero.  That’s significantly less than the flu.  In the 18-55 age range, it’s .003%.  That’s about the same as the flu.  The average working American is not at any undue risk from COVID-19.

Even COVID-19’s somewhat high mortality rate among those over 70 is mostly the result of the idiotic decision by Democratic governors in several states to force COVID-19 patients into nursing homes.

Michael Thau notes again,

I have no idea what Andrew Cuomo and other Democrats who forced the virus into nursing homes could have possibly thought they were doing. But what they, in fact, did do is help drive COVID-19 fatalities above the CDC’s threshold for an epidemic and, hence, create the justification necessary for all the draconian measures that were inflicted on us.

Interesting, isn’t it!  Without the debacle in NY, NJ, PA, Michigan, etc., we would probably not have reached the threshold for an epidemic.  One has to wonder what was going on in these governors’ minds.

PDJT is right about the need to protect the elderly.  States that have done a good job of that have mortality rates significantly lower than those that did not.

All of America needs to start living a normal life again.  Once we do, suicides which have increased significantly will come down.  Domestic abuse will come down.  And myriad other effects that the media does not want publicized will return to normal.  If some governors want to continue to act like communists and to keep the public under their thumb still, then it is time to remove them.