Not Wearing A Mask…Be Charged With Murder

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Their communist tendencies continue to surface.  Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Sharon Hurt said Wednesday during a virtual meeting of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee that there should be stronger legislation for those not wearing masks and suggested they be charged with murder or attempted murder.

According to Sharon Hurt,

“If they pass the virus, then they are tried for murder or attempted murder.”

This is insane but represents just where the Democratic Party is headed.  They want to be able to control everything people do.  The Democrats are using the pandemic to go all in with their attempt to grab unlimited power.  The original idea with social mitigation was to flatten the curve.  This was accomplished.  Democratic governors have shut down states for months on end.  The Dems do not want to give up their power over the people.

My question to Ms. Hurt would be, “If they are wearing a mask and they still pass the virus, should they also be charged with murder?”  After all, we know that the virus particles are passing through the masks.  Perhaps Ms. Hurt would like to file murder charges against anyone who ventures outside without the permission of the government.  Clearly if this is what should be done, we would also need to file murder charges against anyone who passes the flu to someone who later dies.  And how about someone who has a cold and passes to someone who contracts pneumonia and dies?

The Democrats are telegraphing to everyone what will happen in this country if they regain power.  The way to stop this insanity is to vote them all out in November.