Will John Kasich Bridge The Divide?

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It has been making the rounds for some time that John Kasich, a Republican and former governor of Ohio, would be endorsing Biden and making a speech at the DNC convention in Milwaukee.  This is supposed to help Joe Biden show America that he represents all corners of America.  This is especially important to the Democrats since Joe Biden picked far left Kamala Harris as his running mate.  The last I checked Kasich is on the list of people expected to speak.  With the Democrats in such disarray as we have seen, whether this will change or not remains to be seen.  It is unclear who is making the final decisions on convention speakers.

Kasich was approached last month about endorsing Biden and giving a speech.  When he agreed, Kasich’s actions were characterized as “stunning and brave.”  Kasich, a frequent critic of the Trump administration, has said he has “a right to define what it means to be a conservative.”  With this I would agree since the last I checked the Democrats had not yet been successful at obliterating the First Amendment.  Of course, it will be his definition of conservatism.

Kasich is needed to offset the likes of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Gretchen Whitmer and other members of the far-left, Marxist wing of the Democratic Party.  Sanders and AOC are writing the party’s platform.  The Democratic elite know that this is not a good look for the Party.

Here’s the problem for the Democrats.  Kasich may wind up representing a bit more than the Democrats want.  And it’s not in connection with conservatism.  There is another word beginning with “C” that comes to mind.

Recently the DOJ filed indictments against Ohio Republican House Speaker Larry Householder, his closest political adviser, Jeffrey Longstreth, and three others.  A lengthy FBI agent affidavit detailed an alleged $60 million corruption scheme (Yes, 60 MILLION) led by one of Ohio’s most powerful elected officials.  It provided painstaking detail about groups and individuals who played roles in spending mostly corporate cash.  The investigation is ongoing.

Could it turn out that other influential politicians in Kasich’s circle (I assume Householder based on his position had close contacts with Kasich) will be exposed in this corruption scheme?  It already has.  Matt Borges, a key Kasich ally and former Ohio Republican Party Chairman, was one of the people arrested.  So will John Kasich be the vehicle to display to the country that “swampy” deals like those that have been linked to Joe Biden and other Democrats are not just a thing with the Democratic Party?  Is this the kind of broad “appeal” that the Democrats and other elite politicians are striving for?

As DST notes,

Instead of the Kasich endorsement looking like the beginning of a bipartisan tsunami against President Trump, the Kasich endorsement now looks like a parody of the Washington swamp ganging up against President Trump because they know their corrupt “business as usual” ways are at risk if Trump wins a second term.

This is the kind of dealing that PDJT has been railing against since he came down the escalator at Trump Towers in New York in 2015.  Perhaps John Kasich as a Republican can bridge the divide between the corrupt elements of both parties.  If it does, we will have Joe Biden and his campaign staff to thank for exposing the absolutely corrupt nature of many elite politicians in both parties.