COVID Quackery

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The following story is another example of the insanity that is running rampant in NY.  The political powers have become drunk with the power they wield.  They will keep the people in subjugation until the people have had enough.  Hopefully we are getting close to that moment in time.

Tom Woods has said,

“Listen to the science, everyone!” is how we are condescendingly spoken to by the most ignorant, superstitious, fact-free cultural elite in history.

A family went on vacation in the Virgin Islands.  This is a first-person account of how they were treated when returning home to New York from a place where COVID-19 is essentially invisible.

My family and I just returned from a trip to St. John. We live in New York. Gov. Cuomo placed the Virgin Islands on his hot spot list on the day we were flying home. (St. John had a grand total of four cases.)

There were government officials standing at our gate when we arrived demanding that we fill out forms (under threat of a $2k penalty). The next day, the NYS Department of Health called my wife to interrogate her. Some of the questions included: “Are you dead?” (I am not kidding. He prefaced the question by saying, “I have to ask this.”)

She was told that she must remain quarantined in our home for the next 14 days. We must have all food delivered to our door. We should wear masks indoors. We should sleep in different bedrooms and use separate bathrooms. (We don’t have five bedrooms, let alone bathrooms.) We should have someone else take care of our dog. Why? They heard of a dog dying from COVID in North Carolina.

When asked what would happen if we didn’t stay quarantined, the person simply said it would be really bad. Minutes later, my wife was emailed a quarantine order from our local county government. Note that if our flight left 14 hours earlier, none of this would have been necessary.

For laughs, I checked out the New York ACLU website to see if they were doing anything to address potential quarantine abuse. Nope. They’re spending their time pushing for legislation ensuring that contact tracers represent the cultural and linguistic diversity of the communities they serve. Of course, they are also pushing for paid leave; because that’s a basic civil liberty.

By the way, I have yet to be contacted by the state and have not been given an order, despite the fact that I was sitting next to my wife on the same plane.

If you live in New York, welcome to Communist China.  New York’s citizens have no inalienable rights.  They only have the rights allowed to them by the state.  I am sure Governor Cuomo and Chairman Xi Jinping would be very comfortable telling each other stories about how they squelched dissent in their spheres of influence.  They would do this while laughing about how they told the people it was for their own good.